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The lawyer of abused women spoke on the case – eXtra.cz

The eXtra.cz editorial office brought a confession to a woman who claims that she was allegedly abused in 2000 as an fifteen-year-old by actor Pavel Trávníček (71). However, he vehemently rejects such accusations and intends to defend himself in court. What does a lawyer who has years of experience with victims of sexual violence say in the words of a woman’s statement?

Woman (37): Pavel Trávníček locked me in the locker room and…

The editors teamed up with a woman (37) who claims that when she went to sign cards in 2000 at the age of fifteen actor Pavel Trávníček, the artist was supposed to abuse her in his locked locker room, at least according to her.

“He caught me fast and strong. I was trapped. I stood sideways to the mirror next to the table. He turned me around, held me with his left hand to hold me tight, and unzipped his pants with his right hand. He put my right hand on his erect limb. He continued until he was satisfied with my hand, ”Reads the most important passage from hers testimony.

Statement of the lawyer Pavel Trávníček

On January 5, 2022, the website int. diary EXtra.cz

An article entitled “Overwhelming accusations of Pavel Trávníček” was published:

He unzipped the hatch and abused me, I was 15, says Věra for EXtra.cz “,

in which Pavel Trávníček was accused of sexual harassment.

Regarding the mentioned article as the legal representative of Pavel Trávníček, I state that the content

and we consider all statements in the article to be completely untrue, the information in

We consider these to be abominable lies, which fundamentally interfere with

personality rights of my client.

My client will oppose these outrageous and unprecedented attacks on

defend his person hard. We inform the press and the public that at the latest

tomorrow I will send a pre – litigation call to the publisher asking for an apology and

significant financial satisfaction, at the same time we file a criminal complaint on

unknown perpetrator.

The article is driven by the efforts of my client socially, professionally and above all

humanly destroy. The client does not intend to accept that it should become another

victims of the “Me Too” campaign. We emphasize again that none of what is in

The article stated is not true, they are all disgusting disgraceful lies.

We will do the same against anyone who spreads these lies

to participate.

The client will no longer be in public at any time at any time


In honor

Mgr. Radek Suchý


Pavel Trávníček himself he rejects anything like this as a false claim and intends to defend himself in court (see infobox on the side of the article.

Why didn’t she call earlier?

In the discussions, the alleged victim of the actor is questioned why everything has been waiting for over two decades. This is a frequent argument of critics against alleged or actual victims of sexual violence.

What does a reputable lawyer say?

It is quite typical of this type of crime that the victim will confide in this experience many years later. At that time, girls and women were viewed completely differently. They were ashamed, afraid of how the environment and society would look at them, that a lot of people would blame them, that they would tell them, určitě You must have wanted it yourself, God knows how you behaved provocatively. ’‘, ”He explains to eXtra.cz lawyer JUDr. Klára Long Slámová.

It is a huge trauma for a woman who experiences it. Many of the victims mistakenly blame it, try to displace it and are ashamed, even if they have nothing to do. At that time, the situation in society was also very different in terms of the view of female victims of such crimes. Mostly they suffocated in themselves or confided in someone, but they did not trust the police authorities, “he recalls.

“But when they find strength after years and finally confide in their story, fortunately they give courage and impulse to other victims. The company’s response was also there Jana Fabiánová rough, but when other women started joining her, even those who did not believe at first, they start to wonder if there will be something to it, ”says the well-known lawyer.

Opinion on the testimony

After her experience, the lawyer has absolutely no reason not to trust Mrs. Věra (that’s what she called the woman, but she knows her identity).

“Mrs. Vera, as you call her, he describes his experience with frosty details. That’s exactly what he remembers down to the smallest detail. It’s unbelievable. It shows that she must have had a really extreme shock. She wanted to erase the experience from her head, but obviously it didn’t work. The fact that the person in question allegedly had previously been locked down is very strong, ”Thinks Klára Long Slámová.

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