In full demographic and economic dynamics, the northern Moselle dreams of distinguishing itself on another ground: that of higher education. In any case, it is a theme dear to the eyes of the president of the Portes de France Thionville agglomeration, Pierre Cuny. He does not hide it: “a territory like ours should be able to have 5,000 students! “, He blasts to whoever undertakes it on the subject.
We are still far from it, but the merger operated by the Doit branch of the University of Metz has added a first brick to the building. Quite recently, in fact, the dean of the Metz Faculty of Law, Pierre Tifine, hypothesized to set up a first year of law in Thionville.
There are many reasons for this proposal. First of all, there is a problem of space on the Saulcy campus: of the 3,000 law students, 550 are enrolled in the first year. It’s a lot ; the Lemoigne amphitheater is at full capacity. Another observation: nearly a hundred first year students come from the Thionville basin. Finally, the general dynamism of the border town encourages us to consider a new scenario.
Pierre Tifine confirms the arguments: “If we can ensure a smooth transition to high school students who apply in this way, it is a plus”. The dean of the Faculty of Law, who advances with the approval of the presidency of the University concedes having “some ideas to acclimatize a model of 3e year ”in Thionville again. A stone’s throw from Luxembourg, a master’s degree in business law already seems opportune.