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The law on mobilization – the main changes and who they will affect – UNIAN

The new law on mobilization was signed by the president and will go into effect a month after its publication – we’ll tell you what changes are spelled out in it and who they will affect.

What changes the new law on mobilization / UNIAN collage, photo UNIAN

On April 16, 2024, the President of Ukraine signed a new law on mobilization. It provides for a number of new restrictions for those liable for military service, as well as compensation for military personnel. We describe the main changes in more detail below.

How military registration is changing

One of the main changes spelled out in the new law is the registration of those liable for military service. After the law comes into force, all those liable for military service are required to clarify their data within 60 days in the TCC, TsPAU, or in the conscript’s electronic account (your choice).

Also, while martial law is in effect in the country, all men from 18 to 60 years of age are required to carry military registration documents and present them if required by TCC employees, the police, and also when crossing the border.

The electronic account of a conscript, a person liable for military service or a reservist will appear on the basis of the Oberig registry. Previously, we told you what the register of persons liable for military service in Ukraine is, how it works and what data it contains.

At the same time, a conscript’s electronic account is not an obligation – it can be created at will, so there will be no punishment for not having an account. Electronic subpoenas will not be sent either. But sanctions for draft dodgers are becoming tougher.

Draft evasion – what are the punishments?

If a person liable for military service does not clarify his data within 60 days, the new law on mobilization provides for new sanctions:

  • restriction on driving – the TCC will be able to apply to the court with such a petition, and the court will make a decision within 30 days;
  • restriction on consular services for those liable for military service abroad – without clarification of the data, such services will not be provided.

Fines for evaders will also increase significantly.

Cancellation of emergency service – what replaces it?

Conscript service in Ukraine has been cancelled. Instead, basic military training is being introduced, in particular in universities. This training will last up to three months during martial law, and up to five in peacetime.

From September 1, 2025, all students will be required to undergo such military training, but those who complete it cannot be mobilized until they are 25 years old.

Let us remind you that previously the conscription age in Ukraine was reduced to 25 years.

Mobilization of students and women

Students of universities and vocational education institutions who study full-time, teachers who work at least three-quarters of the salary are not subject to conscription for military service.

Read also:

There will be no mobilization of womenwomen can only join the military service voluntarily.

Limited fit and repeated VVK

The term “limitedly suitable” as such is excluded from the legislation.

Those who have been recognized as partially fit for military service will have to undergo a second medical examination within 9 months – the IVC.

Compensation for military personnel and demobilization of military personnel

The law does not provide for demobilization after 36 months of service by decision of the Commander-in-Chief Headquarters (this clause was in the original version of the bill). The only exception is for those who have disabilities or have returned from captivity.

At the same time, the following rewards and compensations have been approved for military personnel:

  • for destroyed enemy equipment – from 12,112 to 908,400 UAH (from 4 to 300 subsistence minimums) and additional leave, but not more than 15 calendar days per year;
  • upon concluding the first contract – 50% compensation for the first installment on a mortgage loan under the “Eoselya” program, after the first year of service – an additional 100 thousand UAH, and after the second year of service – another 100,000 UAH;
  • upon concluding a contract – a certificate for the purchase of a car (or other vehicle) in the amount of 150 thousand UAH (the certificate can be received within 3 months).

The families of those military personnel who died in the line of duty will receive payments in the amount of at least 15 million UAH.

When will the new mobilization law come into force?

New law on mobilization comes into force one month from the day following its promulgation. On April 17, 2024, it was published in the official publication of the Verkhovna Rada “Voice of Ukraine”, that is, the law comes into force on May 18, 2024.

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