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The Latvian Literature of the Year Award presentation will be shown on television Press release

April 26, 2021.

The information was prepared by Signe Viška, communication specialist of the Latvian Literature of the Year Award.

On Friday, April 30, 2021, immediately after the program “Panorama”, at 21.05, on the channel LTV1 there will be a broadcast of the Latvian Literature of the Year Award (LALIGABA), which is formed by the creative team of the association “Ascendum” and the magazine “Satori”. The director of the show is Liene Linde, it will be directed by poets Toms Treibergs and Marija Luīze Melke, the music of Edgars Mākens will be played, and Miķelis Putniņš will perform a special piece composed for the ceremony.

The program will reveal the award recipients in all nominations, honor the winners of the Lifetime Achievement Award – linguist and writer Lalita Muižniece and literary critic Gunārs Bībers, as well as welcome special award winners – the festival “Prose Readings 2020” team led by writer Inga Žolude.

It has already been reported that the LALIGABA expert commission – writer Nora Ikstena, poet, cooler and literary critic Raimonds Ķirķis, writer Sabīne Košeļeva, literary scholar Inguna Daukste-Silasproģe, translator Inga Mežaraupe, poet and teacher Daina Sirmā and poet For literary works published in 2020 in poetry, prose, children’s literature, as well as in the category of translation and debut, the following has been recognized:


Amanda Aizpuriete “Before Leaving”, Neputns

Ingmar Balode “Poems of our era”, Neputns

Katrīna Rudzīte “Comfortable portable wings”, Neputns

Kārlis Vērdiņš “Ready Poetry”, Neputns


Inga Ābele “White Dress”, Daily Book

Inga Gaile “Writer”, Daily Book

Jānis Joņevs “Tiger”, Book of the Day

Laura Vinogradova “River”, Star ABC


Erika Bērziņa’s “Mom’s Poems”, illustrated by Anna Vaivare, Big and Small

Ieva Melgalve, Elizabete Lukšo-Ražinska “Emi and Rū. Robot’s Heart”, illustrated by Guna Poga, Tuta Media

March Pujāts “Ej nu ej”, illustrated by Lāsma Pujāte, Big and Small

Inga Žolude “For the First Time on Earth”, illustrated by Krišs Salmanis, Big and Small


Eden van de Vendel’s novel “Summer of the Blue Grass” translated from Danish by Dena Dimiņa, Big and Small

Selected Poetry of Charles Bukovskis “Cod” by Jānis Elsbergs translated from English, Neputns

Jurace Ville’s graphic story “Siberian Haiku” translated from Lithuanian by Dace Meiere, illustrated by Lina Itagaki, Big and Small

Leonid Dobichin’s novel “Enpils” translated from Russian by Mara Polakova, Orbit


Elvira Blom “Deleted Images”, Orbit

Andris Kalnozols “Calendar calls me”, Orbita

Ivars Šteinbergs “Hive”, Neputns

Lauris Veips “Interesting Days”, Orbit

The winners will receive a LALIGABA lamp and cash prizes created by the design studio “Mājo”.

The motto of this year’s award “Joy and Sorrow” confirms the power of literature to survive even the gloomiest times, providing an opportunity to take refuge from what is happening around, allowing you to travel in time and space, as well as find comfort and better understand the world. No matter what happens, the book will never disappoint – it will be together in joys, sorrows, health and illness, it will be able to take you through fire and water – as evidenced by the stamp – the visual sign of this year’s award.

Detailed information about the nominees, winners of special prizes and lifetime awards and other activities is available on the website www.laligaba.lv, as well as on LALIGABA social network accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The Latvian Literature of the Year Award (LALIGABA) is the most important annual event in the field of literature in Latvia, it provides professional evaluation of literary works and recognition of authors for the most outstanding works published in Latvian literature during the year.

The award is taken care of and organized jointly by the International House of Writers and Translators and the Latvian Writers’ Union.

The award is supported by: the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, Baltic International Bank and Latvian Television.

Collaborates with the award and informs about the award: Latvijas Radio, Latvian Public Media Portal, Internet magazine “Satori”, association “Ascendum”, “Delfi”, “Kultūras Diena un Izklaide”, “Kultūrzīmes”, magazine “Ir”, “konTEKSTS” , “Punctum”, Radio NABA, “Domuzīme”, bookstore network “Jānis Roze”, bookstore network “Zvaigzne ABC”, design studio “Mājo”, “Omniva”.

Additional information:

Signe Viška,

Latvian Literature Annual Award communication specialist

[email protected]

+371 22028087

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