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The Latest Trends in the Software Development Industry

Long story cut short, you cannot restrain the massive advancements in the software development industry. Now that the industry is unstoppable, it has touched almost all kinds of sectors across the globe. Because we live in the digital age, several businesses have jumped on the bandwagon of the digital world. This has compelled them to settle for software solutions to cater to a large amount of user data and process it. There was a time when it used to take 15 minutes for a truck call, but now, you can make a call to anyone across the globe within a few seconds. Therefore, this speed is enough reason for everyone to put faith in the power of technology.

So If you are interested to know about the changes In the software development industry, you will also be interested to know about the future of different technologies. This is why we have compiled a list of the top technology trends in software development.

Let’s see what the future had to unfold for us in the years to come:

Internet of Things

There’s no running away from the fact that the internet of things has come a long way. Beginning from the use of ordinary mobile devices to the state of the art vehicles, everything is operated with the help of sensors. No wonder the idea of the internet of things has infused our regular routines and continues to have a profound impact on our lives. Of course, it is not wise enough to say that this concept will get wiped out in the future. As the reliance on technology continues to rise, the internet of things is here to stay. It can be combined with big projects such as artificial intelligence and big data. Also, because the global pandemic doesn’t seem to go away anytime soon, it is fair enough to say that the internet of things will carve several solutions for us.

Human Augmentation

Remember the iconic ironman who used to have a chip in his hand? Or the spider man who always used to sense through this head?  We aren’t there yet, but in the future, it is expected that the use of technology inside the human body will enable the brain to become an even more advanced version of itself. If you want to know about the biggest example, you can see the wearables around; they will work under extreme conditions and let you know about the condition of your body. On the other hand, a great example of human augmentation is the powered exoskeletons. They can be used for the roles of the firefighters, and even workers will frequently move their tools.

Low-Code Development

All of us know that work from home has been having a major moment , since the day COVID 19 hit this world. Never before has there ever been this considerable demand to keep the technology departments up to date. Therefore, whether it comes to the devops development services of keeping up with the current technological practices, developers are using the low-code platform to come up with the best solution for different organizations. Earlier, once that was considered as not suitable has become a trend in the software development industry. Because you don’t require to code an application, you can quickly jot it down like a flowchart.

Augmented Reality

Contrary to popular belief, augmented reality is very much a strong part of the software development industry. people were expecting it to be the biggest success of 2020 and here we are. Not only has it changed the dynamics of the digital world but has also become a popular trend right now. You can also consider the changes that this aspect has brought in the eCommerce businesses. 

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