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The Latest News on the Case of Joseph Suryadi Insulting the Prophet


Joseph Suryadi has been named a suspect in the case blasphemy for insulting the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the WhatsApp group. In the latest news, the police have ensured that no other member has committed an insult.

“So the focus is on the person who did the insult, namely Joseph Suryadi. As for the other members, he did not commit insults,” said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Endra Zulpan when contacted, Sunday (12/19/2021).

The police have known all the members in the WhatsApp group. Zulpan confirmed that only Joseph had provoked in the WhatsApp group.

“It’s been (known). But only he (Joseph) provoked it. But the others did not respond, yes,” he explained.

Humiliation Occurs When Group Members Blaspheme each other

Police uncover Joseph Suryadi allegedly sent messages containing insults to the Prophet Muhammad in the midst of mutual blasphemy between members of the group.

“In the (WhatsApp) group, they are often blasphemous,” said Head of the Sub-Directorate of Cyber ​​​​Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Rovan Richard Mahenu when contacted by detikcom, Friday (17/12).

Rovan did not explain more fully about this WhatsApp group. From the screenshot that went viral on social media, the group was named ‘Kedai Kopi Indonesia’.

“(Group) just friendship,” he said.

The police are still investigating the contents of the conversation in the WhatsApp group containing Joseph Suyadi. The police are also investigating the beginning of the conversation in the group that made Joseph Suryadi send a chat containing insults to the prophet.

“It’s still being investigated (the beginning of the conversation Joseph Suryadi insulted the prophet),” he said.

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