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the latest news on consultations – Corriere.it

Yesterday, Saturday 30 January, the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico conducted the first consultations to verify – how requested by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella – the existence of the conditions for forming a new government with a political majority in Parliament, after the resignation of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

Yesterday, very intense, Fico met the delegations of Movimento 5 Stelle, the Democratic Party, Italia viva and Leu. Meet them today I am with the European Parliamentary Group – MAIE – Democratic Center of the Senate (at 10 am), the group For Autonomies of the Senate (at 11.20 am), the Mixed group of the Chamber limited to the Components that refer to the majority (Democratic Center – Italians in Europe ; Maie-Italian Movement Associative Abroad-PSI; Linguistic Minorities: 12.40 pm) and the Mixed Senate, always limited to the components that refer to the majority (2.00 pm).

12.56 – Iv: Mes is needed but we do not set unbearable conditions
We are ready to understand everyone’s reasons for everything and others do the same. for us the Mes is needed to be able to relaunch the health system. but if they tell us we find other sources to find the resources we will confront each other, we do not put unbearable conditions on anyone, we will never have a preclusive attitude on an issue that can affect everything else. The president of Italia viva, Ettore Rosato, told Sky Tg24.

12.51 – Rosato: categorical Iv, now tight on the program
This is not the phase in which we must discuss names but we must seek a harmony on the contents, on the program. We have the problem of putting the country in a position to deal with emergencies. We will be very categorical on this: in these two days that we have before Tuesday, when the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico will have to report the outcome of the exploratory mandate to the Quirinale, we must face the programs in a tight manner, after which not everything is resolved, but at least we will choose the method of solving the problems and will be able to clarify everything that needs to be clarified. The president of Italia viva, Ettore Rosato, told Sky Tg24 about the ongoing consultations and the position of Italia viva on a possible Count.

12.12 – Skip the meeting of the anti-Renzi M5S branch
Due to yesterday’s leak, the meeting of the M5S branch that was supposed to be held in the morning, starting at 10, on an online platform, was skipped. The parliamentarians – about twenty people between the House and the Senate – should have taken stock of the return in the majority with Renzi, a decision that they openly oppose, contesting the U-turn defined by the Grillini leaders.

12.04 – Di Maio: We need a strong and fast government
In these moments we need a strong executive, while we appear weak in the eyes of the world. Either we get it into our heads that we have to start quickly with a new government aiming to make the most of the 209 billion of the Recovery or future generations will mourn the follies of a policy that instead of thinking about the problems of the Italians, fought for seats. Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio writes it on Facebook. The worst moment was chosen to open a government crisis that is blocking the country. The covid bulletin every day reminds us that there are still too many victims. The situation is far from reassuring, also because the pharmaceutical giants are putting our vaccination campaign at risk. Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio writes on Facebook. It will be hard, but we are at war against an invisible enemy that kills people every day and that is bringing the country’s production sector to its knees, adds the head of the Farnesina.

10.38 – Merlo: At work on a program, the group will increase
We are working on a program, on the issues concerning the pandemic and the crisis, surely there will be other occasions to meet the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico but he will inform. This was stated by Ricardo Merlo, on behalf of the European Parliamentary Group – Maie – Democratic Center of the Senate, after meeting with Roberto Fico on the second day of consultations. In addition to Merlo, the delegation included Mariarosaria Rossi and Saverio De Bonis. We are not racing for numbers but the group will certainly increase, he added. For us now we are trying to calm everything and everyone.

10 am: the new consultations begin
In the hall of the Queen of the Chamber arrived the delegation of the Europeanists-Maie-Democratic Center, the new group of pro-Count leaders born in the Senate.

Ore 9:30
The political situation, at the moment, remains open: yesterday Pd and 5 Stars they argued the opportunity of a re-appointment to Giuseppe Conte; Italia viva did not mention names (nor vetoed), but stressed the need for a written document, a time schedule. On the Courier service, today, three of the protagonists of the negotiations of these hours speak: the leader of Italia viva, Matteo Renzi (who the interview, where he indicates his conditions for reaching an agreement); Goffredo Bettini, one of the representatives of the Democratic Party closest to the secretary Nicola Zingaretti (who her words); Silvio Berlusconi, the founder of Forza Italia (interviewed who). As Roberto Gressi writes in his crisis barometer (which you find who), yesterday marks a step forward on the path of a Count ter (i.e. the third executive led by Conte), but there remains the possibility of an institutional executive, in the event that a team is not found (programmatic: but also, necessarily, on the roles of government) between the parties that supported the Conte-bis. In this case, the head of state could entrust the task to personalities such as Marta Cartabia, president emeritus of the Constitutional Court, or Carlo Cottarelli, economist and former commissioner for the review of public spending. To make the outcome of the crisis undecided (Fico has until Tuesday to report to the head of state the outcome of his consultation work with the various parties) are – in addition to Renzi’s requests – the internal fibrillations of the 5-star Movement, where a patrol of senators (not small) it seems ready to say no to the hypothesis of reforming a majority with Italy alive.

Article being updated …

January 31, 2021 (change January 31, 2021 | 12:56)


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