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“The late January without the president is different”…the best card to break through 2 months of honesty

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol arrives at the Daejeon District Prosecutors’ Office at the end of October and is moving with Gangnam-il Daejeon High Prosecutors’ Office (left) and Lee Dubong, Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Office. The Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Office began investigating the nuclear power plant after visiting President Yoon. [연합뉴스]

– How different are the two months of the prosecution with Yoon Seok-yeol and the two months of the prosecution without Yoon Seok-yeol? On the afternoon of the 22nd, Yoon’s lawyers, who are facing the deadline for interrogation on the suspension of execution by the court for the two-month suspension of suspension, responded “very different”.

“Fear of serious disruption such as nuclear power plant investigation after greeting in January”

“If there is no president, nuclear investigation will be ruined”

– Yoon argues that it is clear that if the prosecution’s greetings from Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae’s January prosecution are done without the president, major investigations such as nuclear power plant investigations will be disrupted. This is because the president cannot direct the investigation. And because this damage is “urgent and irreparable damage”, which is a requirement for citation of suspension of execution, he said that the effect of the two-month disposition must be suspended.

On the other hand, members of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Justice’s disciplinary committee, who disciplined Yoon, are confident that the court will dismiss Mr. Yoon’s application. It is in the same context as the article posted on Facebook on the 20th, “Disciplinary is the discretion of the disciplinary authority” on the 20th of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office.

In the legal community, Yoon predicted that’how persuasively the difference between the prosecutors without Yoon and the prosecutors with Yun is revealed’ will determine the outcome of the suspension.

Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. [뉴스1]

Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. [뉴스1]

Cho Kook, Choi Kang-wook, and Ulsan Mayor were all decided

– Yoon’s side is most concerned about the prosecutor’s appointment in January by Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae. The Ministry of Justice usually administers high-ranking prosecutors and middle-level officials in the first half of January. In January of this year, Minister Chu relegated the so-called’Yun Seok-yeol line’ and the middle prosecutor’s officers to high swords or provinces without investigative power on two occasions (January 8 and 23).

Yoon argued that even after such a greeting, the prosecution was able to prosecute Cho Kook, former Justice Minister Cho, Kang-wook Choi, and the defendant suspected of intervening in the elections of the Ulsan Mayor, because Yoon himself decided to prosecute. Prosecutors Lee Seong-yoon and Shim Jae-cheol, who had served as the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office in Insa in January of this year and the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of Anti-Corruption Forces, differed from President Yoon’s position in an investigation targeting the regime.

Inside the prosecutor’s office, in January of this year, the Minister also mentioned the possibility of replacing Chief Prosecutor Cho Nam-gwan, Deputy Prosecutor General Cho Nam-gwan, and Daejeon District Prosecutor General Lee Doo-bong, who is in charge of the nuclear power plant investigation. Deputy Deputy Chief Cho demanded that Minister Chu withdraw the punishment of President Yoon, and Chief Prosecutor Lee is not only showing strong will in the investigation of nuclear power plants, but also classified as’Yun Seok-yeol Line’.

Choi Kang-wook, the representative of the Open Democratic Party, is heading to court while attending a continuing hearing held at the Seoul Central District Court in September.  The prosecution of CEO Choi was decided by President Yoon himself. [연합뉴스]

Choi Kang-wook, the representative of the Open Democratic Party, is heading to court while attending a continuing hearing held at the Seoul Central District Court in September. The prosecution of CEO Choi was decided by President Yoon himself. [연합뉴스]

– For this reason, President Yoon argued that “the absence of the president is likely to cause a major disruption in the investigation of the Wolsong nuclear power plant,” and argues that this is “urgent and irreparable damage”, which is a requirement for citation of suspension of execution. Minister Chu’s aide will be appointed acting as the president’s representative to prevent a major investigation into the passport.

“If a disciplinary suspect performs the presidency, damage is done”

– In response to Yoon’s assertion, the Ministry of Justice said that the two months of suspension by President Yoon were only the disposition of the discretionary authority for Yoon’s disciplinary charges. The court’s involvement in the administration’s disposition is the purpose of being overpowered unless there is a clear violation.

The Ministry of Justice is expected to argue that the performance of Yoon’s duties, which is subject to a number of disciplinary charges, will undermine the prosecution’s fairness and neutrality, just as it was during the hearing period for Yoon’s exclusion from his duties last month. Yoon’s reason for disciplinary action, refuting that the Ministry of Justice has sufficient grounds, is also an issue for the two sides to argue fiercely at the date of questioning on the 22nd.

Deputy Minister of Justice Yong-gu Lee, who is a disciplinary member of President Yoon Suk-yeol, is leaving the building after completing the second deliberation of the Prosecutors' Disciplinary Committee against Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol on the early morning of the 16th. [뉴스1]

Deputy Minister of Justice Yong-gu Lee, who is a disciplinary member of President Yoon Suk-yeol, is leaving the building after completing the second deliberation of the Prosecutors’ Disciplinary Committee against Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol on the early morning of the 16th. [뉴스1]

Judge Cho Mi-yeon’s judgment on’discretion’

– Judge Cho Mi-yeon, who cited the suspension of execution of the exclusion of General Yoon’s duties on the 1st, made a primary judgment on the discretion of the disciplinary authority claimed by the Ministry of Justice and Prosecutors General Dong-soo Han.

Deputy Judge Cho said in the decision, “If the subject of the prosecutor general’s authority to suspend the execution of his duties is to be exercised under more exceptional and strict requirements,” he said. Pointed out. An attorney who was a former chief judge said, “The court will take a closer look at whether the two-month suspension of the Ministry of Justice was imposed on these strict and exceptional requirements.”

Reporter Park Tae-in [email protected]

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