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The Late Heavy Bombardment and the Turbulent History of the Solar System

The solar system used to be a very turbulent place. The consequences of wild events that took place between 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago are still visible today.

Even though Jupiter is a fairly important part of the Solar System today, it originally formed much further away from the Sun. It would probably still be there today, if it had not encountered a large number of planetesimals, i.e. icy bodies with an area of ​​several kilometers, which began to act on it with their own gravitational pulls and gradually moved it into the system.

Late Great Bombing (illustrative photo) Source: iStock

Jupiter’s atmosphere is famous for gigantic storms Source: ČTK/ Profimedia.cz

Planet Jupiter Source: ČTK / Profimedia.cz

The solar system is surprisingly fragile Source: Getty Images

Will the Solar System Soon Have Nine Planets? Source: Getty Images

Can you list all the planets of the solar system in the correct order? Source: Profimedia.cz/ČTK

The solar system took hundreds of millions of years to form. Source: iStock

Size comparison of the planets of the Solar System Source: Getty Images

Late Great Bombing (illustrative photo) Source: iStock

Jupiter’s atmosphere is famous for gigantic storms Source: ČTK/ Profimedia.cz

Planet Jupiter Source: ČTK / Profimedia.cz

The solar system is surprisingly fragile Source: Getty Images

Will the Solar System Soon Have Nine Planets? Source: Getty Images

Can you list all the planets of the solar system in the correct order? Source: Profimedia.cz/ČTK

The solar system took hundreds of millions of years to form. Source: iStock

Size comparison of the planets of the Solar System Source: Getty Images

The late great bombing

As Jupiter advanced, it collided with Saturn, and together the two planets began to influence the paths of the other gas planets so that their orbits moved away from the Sun. At the same time, this time it was their gravitational pull that, on the contrary, affected the planetesimals from the asteroid cloud. As the bodies were driven into the inner system by the influence of the two giants, the gravity of the other planets took its toll and the inferno we know as the Late Great Bombardment began. You can see its dramatization in the program Vesmírná zaře on Prima ZOOM.

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The inner planets, including Earth, began to be bombarded by a cloud of large asteroids. If there was any life or oceans on Earth before then, it all disappeared under the onslaught of cosmic rocks, due to which extreme heat was created on Earth. It melted a large part of the earth’s crust. That is also why today it is difficult to find any rock older than 4 billion years. The bombardment left over 22,000 craters over 20 km in size and 40 gigantic impact basins around 1,000 km in diameter on Earth.

Resources: Space / Earth How

2023-11-09 11:56:00
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