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The last quarter of the year begins with more unemployed in Granada | Radio Granada

The labor market in Granada breaks the positive trend in Andalusia and Spain. Unemployment has increased in September in the province by 0.4 percent although 30 percent more contracts have been signed than in August, with a slight increase in Social Security enrollment by almost 300 people. In any case, we drag the consequences of the crisis: In one year, the demand for employment has increased in this province by 22,600 people.

In September, 445 people have joined the official lists of job seekers. That list is close to 103,000 applicants in Granada. September has been a bad month for employment in Granada due to the termination of the few tourist contracts for the summer and the increase in the number of those seeking their first job. Unemployment in agriculture and industry has dropped. It has also dropped significantly in construction. Last month fewer contracts were signed in Granada than in the same month last year. Specifically, the drop has been 22 percent. So far this year, 28 percent fewer contracts have been signed in Granada than on the same dates in 2019.


The Regional Ministry of Development will invest 103 million euros in the province of Granada to promote projects related to the ‘Andalusia Plan on the Move’. This millionaire investment is independent of other proposals such as the expansion of the Metro or the Alhambra Plan. The Minister of Development, Marifrán Carazo, assured this Friday that this investment plan for Granada is the most important in decades and that now it is time to “promote public-private collaboration.”

These investments will also be joined by those of the councils and city councils that they will be able to use their remaining treasury and savings when the Government lifts the spending rule.

For now, the Diputación de Granada will be able to use immediately no less than 87 million euros. The investments that will be launched by the local administrations in the province could reach 300 million euros in one year. This is, without a doubt, an unprecedented investment that could boost local job creation.

In statements to the SER, the president of the Department, José Entrena, has asked for a quick concretion of the norm of the Ministry of Finance that allows an immediate investment of municipal funds. He has also assured that the Provincial Council will also invest in municipalities that do not have these savings.

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