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The Last of Us Part II is this year’s best PS4 game

The PlayStation 4 is blowing its seventh candle this year, after the game console was launched in 2013. During that time we received many cool games. Before we get started with the PlayStation 5, there are a few big games that will be released on the current game console. With The Last of Us Part II you have the best game of this year.

Perhaps that is a bit premature to say, since it is only June and there are many months of cool games to come. But still: The Last of Us Part II is of a rare high level. And somehow it makes sense, since the 2013 original was also tremendously good. This time, the lead role is played by Ellie, who plays a minor role in the first part. She is now 19 years old and has a pretty good life in Jacksonville. Until one day something really bad happens and she decides to go on an adventure.

The Last of US Part II takes you to Seattle

That adventure takes you to the city of Seattle, where she has to deal with various infected people, but also with a lot of human enemies. Stealth is a keyword in this. Bullets for the various weapons are fairly scarce and you cannot take very many with you. You really have to use them for the moment when there is no other option. In a situation where you are dealing with something like eight human enemies, it is wise to first take a good look at how to sneak up on an enemy, grab it and kill it silently with a knife. Once you are discovered, you can still flee and shake off the enemies. From that position of confusion, it is then possible again to sneaky choose the attack or let certain people live, while you focus on your real goal.

The Last of Us Part II
An exciting adventure

What is striking about The Last of Us Part II is how horrible the game is sometimes. The adventure takes place in a world that is in itself quite brutal with people who try to survive the misery. But even then it is really violent here and there. Enemies gobble to their deaths, and in some cases you find out through conversations that they have something like families. The developer has tried to bring some depth to it. And when you ram into their brains with a huge bat or hear someone begging for her life in a cinematic moment while you go crazy, it does something to you.

The story itself is also perfectly fine. The characters in the game are well developed and the steps you take in the adventure make sense, while at the same time there is room for striking moments that you do not see coming so quickly. There is enough space for intermediate scenes, in which storylines come to life, but these are certainly not annoyingly long. You empathize with the adventures and you see the different sides of the misery in which the world goes. Stories are also told by the world itself. You will find various notes, farewell letters and stories in the places where you come. That way you get a good idea of ​​what happened to the world before the outbreak happened, but also during the more recent events.

Rock-solid gameplay

Equally interesting is the gameplay in The Last of Us Part II. Where in the original you could sometimes predict where and when you encountered enemies, there is now a greater surprise effect. Fortunately, you often hear enemies before you come face to face with them, which is a good indicator. And when you’re not dealing with an enemy, there is still plenty to do. In the game you are constantly looking for ingredients that you can use to make objects to keep yourself alive. While you do that, you will come across various secrets and you will find, for example, combinations for safes, containing new weapons or medicines. You can then use the latter to improve certain skills. It is almost impossible to put your controller away. Simply because you always want to continue playing.

Pop on it (Image: PlayStation)

From the beginning to the end, The Last of Us Part II breathes pure quality. This is one of those games that you may come across once every few years and is the best PlayStation 4 game you can get this year in my opinion. He can be scored here.

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