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The Last of Us: Part II: After Corona Postponement: New Date Is Here!

The blockbuster The Last of Us: Part II should have been released in May, but the corona crisis thwarted planning. Now Sony has confirmed a new release date.

Date: April 3, 2020 “data-lightbox =” 42d671bcd5f39bd69d509c3e9fa96a79.jpg “>

The disillusionment was great when the longed for The Last of Us: Part II Naughty Dog had to be postponed due to the Corona crisis. Finally, the release date on May 29 came close and the long wait finally seemed to come to an end.

Initially, Sony and Naughty Dog did not name a new date for the sequel to the success title, but postponed it indefinitely. Now there is a new release date and fortunately it is clear: You don’t even have to wait that long.

A statement on the PlayStation Blog says that in view of the “return to normality in the global sales environment” with regard to COVID-19, it is now possible to announce that new release date. This is June 19, 2020. In short: In the end, the delay until the release will be just three weeks compared to the original planning – that should still be bearable for many gamers.

As soon as The Last of Us: Part II is in the stores, work on the highly regarded TV series on the franchise, which is being implemented by HBO, should also start.

Insert Coin # 519 – New Year’s Eve Special 2019

Every year we celebrate New Year’s Eve with you. This year Felix, Andi, Dennis, Matze, Sascha and Kuro are in the festively decorated insert coin studio to talk about 2019. What were our highlights, what were our lowlights. What are we most looking forward to in 2020. Other topics discussed include virtual reality, micro transactions and streaming services. We hope you have a lot of fun with the Insert Coin New Year’s Eve special program 2019.

The entire Gameswelt team wishes you a happy new year and a happy new year 2020. Off to the new decade!

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