Home » today » Entertainment » The last message that Ioan, the priest’s son, sent to his 12-year-old girlfriend, before jumping into the void

The last message that Ioan, the priest’s son, sent to his 12-year-old girlfriend, before jumping into the void

There is a tragedy in the family of a priest, after the 13-year-old boy is thrown into the void, because he would have suffered a love disappointment.

Ioan was only 13 years old and a seemingly happy teenager with no worries and problems.

The minor died after falling from a height of about 8 meters.

From the beginning, the authorities opted for the suicide option, after discovering that during the day he had quarreled with his girlfriend, a student of the same educational institution.

“They were very good. Give and take Message first … Yes, he wrote “I love you” and then he launched himself. It’s not the girl’s fault, “says one of the classmates.

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“He premeditated. Where should I cry out my pain? Where should I make the other person feel guilty, in quotation marks, about the places we usually go to?”, Says psychologist Ovidiu Telegescu, according to observatornews.ro.

The child would leave the house on Monday evening, where he lived with his parentsand told them he was going for a walk.

His mother, seeing that after a while he was not answering the phone, went to look for the child, using an application she had installed on her phone.

He found him in the courtyard of the former maternity hospital, with visible head injuries.

There, someone from the child’s family, in particular his uncle, alerted the authorities, and the police and an ambulance team went to the scene, who, unfortunately, could not do anything for the teenager.

The teenager was a student of the art school “Ioan Ștefan Paulian” of Drobeta-Turnu Severin, in the eighth grade, in the art section.

Now the whole class is crying for the baby, candles are lit in the hall in memory of their former classmate.

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