Hollywood star and Oscar winner Russell Crowe will star in a new historical action drama titled The Last Druid take on a central role. In the film by the underwater filmmaker and director Will Eubank is staged, Crowe once again faces the Roman Empire. According to official information The Last Druid “the story of a Roman emperor who discovers a remote Druid fortress in the mountains of Caledonia. A peaceful Celtic elder must awaken the warrior within to protect his family and his people from utter annihilation.”
Eubank, who has already made films like Angels & Airwaves – Love, The Signal, Paranormal Activity 7 – Next of Kin and Land of Bad directed and co-wrote the script Phil Gawthorne and Carlyle Eubank. The Last Druid marks a renewed collaboration between Eubank and Crowe, most recently in the action thriller Land of Bad worked together. Production is carried out by Ben Pugh, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones, Fred Berger and Adrian Guerra taken over while Brandon Millan, Sam Wasson and George Hsieh involved as executive producers.
Crowe, known for his iconic role as Maximus in Ridley Scott-Film Gladiator was awarded an Oscar for best actor, has continued with other impressive roles in films such as A Beautiful Mind – genius and madness, The Insider and American Gangster secured a permanent place in film history. His recent projects include Unhinged – Out of control, Thor – Love and Thunder, Poker Face and The Popes Exorcist.
Next to The Last Druid Crowe will soon be in the films Kraven the Hunter as Nikolai Kravinoff and Nuremberg can be seen as Hermann Göring. So fans can look forward to a new, action-packed journey into history that takes Crowe back to his roots in the historical action genre.