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The Largest Snakes in the World: From Medusa the Netted Python to Titanoboa Cerrejonensis

For those who love horror movies or just a penchant for fun nonsense, the 1997 film “Anaconda“The movie is amazing. It demonstrates how terrifying it can be for humans to encounter an unimaginably large snake.

Of course, that movie is fiction. You don’t have to go to the movies to experience a scary atmosphere full of reptiles, though. Just last year, the world’s largest snake was caught!

What type of snake was this? What would it be compared to other large snakes on a universal scale? Read on to find out the answers, embark on a goosebumps journey!

Smart Python

The biggest snake in the world is the Netted Python, which has a story that can find its place even in legends. With a length of 7.67 meters, it almost resembles a mythological creature, and to match this majesty, the mythological name Medusa was given to her.

While this Medusa doesn’t really turn people to stone, the Edge of Hell in Kansas City has visitors in the Haunted House freezing their mouths open. On command, this 158-kilogram snake remains completely motionless as visitors tour the spooky haunted house. Speaking of spooky, the owners of the house have to feed Medusa a little deer every week!

Burma Pitou

Although pythons did not appear before the 1990s, these long snakes are now ubiquitous. The most common species is the Burmese python, and these snakes enjoy hanging out in the Florida Everglades.

The largest Burmese python ever caught was 5.6 meters long. Although it is not as tall as Medusa, it is certain that a rather frightening sight will emerge when encountered in nature!

Green Anaconda

Medusa may be the largest snake ever caught, but it would be inaccurate to say that she is the largest snake ever to be found in the world. This title probably belongs to the green anacondas.

These amazing creatures can grow up to 9.1 meters tall and reach a weight of 226 kilograms. In a famous photograph, two gentlemen are seen holding a 10-metre-long green anaconda. However, experts have yet to confirm the length of this unusual beast.

Titanoboa cerrejonensis

Are you more interested in the largest snakes in history than in the largest snakes alive today? So, the greatest snake in the history of the planet, Titanoboa cerrejonensis Meet with!

This amazing snake was crawling on our planet exactly six million years ago. Thanks to fossilized remains, we know that these snakes could reach 12.8 meters in length and weigh about 1,134 kilograms. As if they had stepped out of a science fiction movie, these snakes were as tall as the longest school bus!

Shrub Master (Lachesis change)

Sometimes, the biggest snakes may not be the deadliest. For example, the Shrub Master sits at the top at “only” 3.6 metres. However, this creature ironically also had the honor of being the largest venomous snake in the entire world!

To make things even scarier, these snakes are extremely aggressive and easily angered. You can understand how scary these snakes can be from the Latin name meaning “Silent Death”.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

The Brushmaster may be the biggest venomous snake, but that doesn’t automatically make it the most dangerous snake. We should definitely give this title to the eastern diamondback rattlesnake.

In 1946, a huge specimen, reaching 2.3 meters in height, was shot down and weighed a staggering 15.4 kilograms. This species of rattlesnake is full of both muscular and dual-action venom from head to toe. Its venom comes from the longest fangs of its kind in the world, and the venom in a single bite is strong enough to kill three adults!

Eastern Indigo Snake

When you limit your area to North America, the largest snake is the Eastern Indigo snake. The longest ever recorded was just over 2.7 meters.

This snake has survival mechanisms that help it straighten its neck and make it look even bigger. It may need this survival skill because it is considered an endangered species in the states of Florida and Georgia.

King Cobra

The King Cobra is aptly named. Considering that these snakes can reach up to 6 meters in length, they certainly pose a royal threat to those around them!

Those who encounter this large venomous snake may swallow their small tongues out of fear. First of all, it can lift itself up to a third of its height, which means that the tallest ones exceed the average human height. They then rush forward to attack and therefore pose a great threat to travelers in Southeast Asia.

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Black mambas are the second longest venomous snakes in the world. Mainly found in Africa, these reptiles can grow up to a full 4.4 meters.

This snake’s venom can finish you off in a frightening 20 minutes. If it decides to come after you (we hope that doesn’t happen), it can travel at 19 km/h. What’s even scarier is that it may not even try to follow you, because this snake preys on trees as well as on the ground, and those who encounter it suffer a bitter end.

Mulga Snake

Although brown in color, this Australian snake is actually a member of the black snake family. Since these snakes can grow up to a full 3.3 meters, it seems that we have no choice but to kneel before this noble snake.

Even if you don’t kneel, this snake can easily make you kiss the ground. Because its poison has a neurotoxic structure that can damage your muscles by affecting the nervous system. Speaking of damage, this creepy reptile doesn’t hesitate to sting its prey, even when injecting venom.

2023-07-13 19:58:44
#Worlds #Largest #Snake #Caught

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