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The largest government party in the Netherlands has again launched an attack on the free press. Geert Wilders of the PVV called on his followers to take punitive measures against the newspaper Trouw because the newspaper critical cartoon, with the internationally renowned Tjeerd Royaards, about his cabinet’s policy. In the cartoon, the PVV member is busy with his favorite pastime, sending migrants across the border (as long as they are not married to him or his supporters, of course).
The party leader, who often feels easily offended, instructed his followers through X to immediately cancel their subscription to the smallest national newspaper. Trouw was founded during the Second World War as a resistance newspaper against the Nazis.

Wilders himself, who is heavily defended, has regularly organized ‘cartoon competitions’ in the past, ostensibly for freedom of expression, but his other habits seem to they mainly intended to encourage violent acts by Islamic terrorists and then gain political advantage from them. In 2018, after such a ‘tournament’ in Amsterdam, a defenseless American tourist was stabbed by a terrorist who had traveled to the Netherlands specifically for the revenge attack. The victim is permanently paralyzed.
2024-10-28 14:35:00
#largest #government #party #PVV #punitive #action #Trouw #newspaper #critical #cartoon #Joop