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The land registry bomb under the government

The premier addressed the most awaited topic of the press conference on Nadef: the land registry. The Prime Minister has hinted that the reform (sooner or later) will take place and that it will have its framework in the delegated law for the reform of the Tax. These are the words of the premier: “This government wants to make a transparency operation: we get to determine what the current cadastral income is and it undertakes not to change the tax burden of the cadastre at all, no one will pay more, no one will pay less” . An operation that, according to Palazzo Chigi, should not lead to greater outlays from the pockets of Italians. But there are those who fear the trap. The first to give the alarm in this sense was the president of Confedilizia, Giorgio Spaziani Testa: “President Draghi confirms the indiscretions: the tax reform will contain – despite the contrary decision of Parliament and the no of the entire center-right – the intervention on the land registry, today also rejected by Confcommercio. Now they will say that it is something else, but they are chatter “.

The reactions

And so on the front of the center-right arrive the reactions to the press conference of Draghi. To underline the risks of a possible reform with possible additional costs for the property owners was Massimo Bitonci, leader of the Lega Group in the Chamber Budget Commission and Head of the Political Department for Productive Activities, former undersecretary of the Mef: “The premier specified that it will be ‘a very generic delegation to then deepen with the delegated decrees, therefore without any possibility for the Parliament to affect. Knowing the current cadastral system and the great differences at the territorial level, with the existence of 1.2 million stacked, all this means that Parliament will not be able to correct the shot and that the change of calculation from rooms to square meters will result in a generalized increase in revenues, which in turn will result in an increase in Imu, Tari, Registration Tax and VAT . If no action is taken to make the million or more illegal and ghosted properties pay, it will be a rip-off reform for millions of Italians and a victory for the tax evaders “.

Fi: “No revising the land registry with the tax reform”

Also from Forza Italia, with Sestino Giacomoni, member of the presidency coordination of the blue party and president of the Supervisory Commission on Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, a clear warning arrives on the land registry: “The interest of the country, today, in this historical moment, cannot provide for the introduction of new taxes, new assets, or the tightening of existing ones. Respect the will of Parliament, which has already expressed itself on the direction to be given to the tax reform through the document drawn up by the joint Finance Commissions, where there are no land registry reforms, nor the patrimonial or inheritance tax so dear to the left “.

Reds target owners

On the other hand, the words of the vice-Landini, Gianna Fracassi which with the CGIL is already cheering for a reshaping of property taxation: “It is a reform – he underlined to Sky Tg24 microphones – that if it is done, it will return a more transparent photograph of wealth and give greater equity, because some Italians pay for a cadastral value that does not adhere to reality. We cannot think – he insisted – that a profound inequality will be maintained. There is also an issue of transparency that would be important for our country “.

In short, the words of Drgahi pronounced in the press conference have opened the hot front of the land registry again. On the one hand the united center-right which reiterates the “no” to the reform, on the other hand the left which wants to put its hands in the pockets of the owners.

Tension on reform

And to reiterate the “no” to a reform is also the Brothers of Italy: “After today’s statements at the press conference by President Draghi, Brothers of Italy will carefully ensure that there is no change in the tax burden of the land registry with a consequent increase of taxes for citizens. However, we are surprised by the words of the Prime Minister today that contradict what was said by his Deputy Minister of the Economy Castelli only a few days ago when, answering a question from Fdi, he assured that there was no measure in place on the land registry reform. The only certain thing is that, once again, the line of the left government component passes despite the contrary decision of Parliament and the entire center-right “, the deputies of the Brothers of Italy, Tommaso Foti and Marco Osnato. The war on the land registry is only just beginning, and it will also have consequences for the executive and the holding of the majority …

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