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The laboratory in Brno found 16 new cases of omicron infection

The Brno laboratory Elisabeth Pharmacon has had 16 positive samples for the covid variant omicron since Sunday, the director of the laboratory Omar Šerý told ČTK. So far, the University of Brno has found 17 positive cases of omicron variants in the region. Both the hospital and the laboratory can also sequence samples to confirm the variant.

Sery said the laboratory had completed sample analysis and had 16 positive cases. “This is 5.4 percent of all positive samples,” said Shery. He added that the laboratory will automatically send the results to clients today.

So far, it has detected 17 cases of omicron at the University Hospital Brno. The first infections she found in the first half of December were two nurses from the pulmonary ward. Furthermore, the infection appeared in two children of one of them, then also in Adam’s primary school. However, in addition to Brno and Adamov, the facility also found the infected in Humpolec or Pohořelice.

The first confirmed case of omicron infection in the Czech Republic was a woman from Liberec who returned from Africa at the end of November. The second confirmed case was a man with close contact with this woman.

The omicron variant, which the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified as a worrying type of infectious disease, has been reported as a worrying type of coronavirus for the first time on 9 November in South Africa. According to experts, omicron is three to four times more contagious than the hitherto dominant variant of the delta.

Minister of Health Vlastimil Válek (TOP 09) expects that omicron will be dominant in the Czech population in the middle of January. Hans Kluge, director of the World Health Organization for Europe (WHO), warned on Tuesday against a “sharp and sharp increase” in new cases of coronavirus caused by the omicron variant.

The share of omicron in the total number of infected is growing in a number of countries and raises concerns among governments. Omicron is already dominant in Denmark, Portugal, Britain and the United States, accounting for a third of cases in France.

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