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The Kremlin is convinced that Poland threatens the territorial integrity of Ukraine

According to Peskov, “overtly hostile rhetoric” has been coming out of Poland in recent months.

While the Russian invaders continue insidiously kill our citizensdestroy houses and production facilities, the Kremlin says that it is Poland that threatens the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

This statement was made by the speaker of the Kremlin and Putin Dmitry Peskov, write RosSMI.

According to him, Poland’s rhetoric has traditionally never been friendly, but in recent months it has become openly hostile.

“The fact that very hostile rhetoric has been coming out of Poland in recent months – it has traditionally not been friendly for a long time, but in recent months it has become hostile, and the fact that a threat to the territorial integrity of Ukraine from Poland may emanate – these are obvious facts,” he told reporters on Friday.

It is worth noting that earlier the press service of the self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko published an excerpt from his interview with the Associated Pressin which he does not exclude that under certain circumstances Russia, Belarus and Ukraine may fight against Poland in order to preserve the territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state.

“I would not comment on the statement of the President of Belarus,” Peskov said.

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The day before, Polish President Andrzej Duda declaredthat in the future there will be virtually no borders between Ukraine and Poland.

“Between our countries – Poland and Ukraine – there will be no more borders. This border will not exist! So that we live together on this earth, building and rebuilding together our common happiness and common strength, which will allow us to repel any danger or any possible threat”

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