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The kitten caused a collapse of traffic in Česká Lípa and ended up with a policewoman at home

Fortunately, the forty-two-year-old driver of one of them was attentive. Because he did not want to cross the kitten, he stopped and the young driver of the car reacted in the opposite direction. In addition, the man got out of the car and wanted to take the kitten off the road to a safe place.

But while part of Česká Lípa began to clog in both directions due to the animal and the traffic stopped, a frightened kitten ran under the car, whose driver also stopped because of the animal. “And it even crept into the bowels of the car. From there came only a desperate meow. Several drivers and members of car crews searched in vain for him, “described police spokeswoman Ivana Baláková.

According to her, the drivers therefore called in to patrol the traffic police, who coincidentally were only a few tens of meters from the scene.

“When they arrived at the car where the kitten was trapped, they joined the rescue operation and found it in the underbody of the rear wheel. It was not easy to get him out of here, but in the end they succeeded and despite the fact that the bike was hot, the kitten did not suffer any injuries, “added a police spokeswoman, adding that the story had another happy sequel.

The policewoman who took part in rescuing the kitten adopted the animal the same day and provided him with permanent housing at her home.

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