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The kitchen assembly cost over 20,000 – Anne is saved by training manual

Anne has a training manual lying in the kitchen drawer.

But it is not used for training.

– It has been a nightmare. I’ve been on the phone a lot. We had to follow up and coordinate everything. We feel that we were completely left to ourselves. Never again Elkjøp, says Anne Engan to TV 2 help you.

Anne and her husband Jan-Erik contacted TV 2 help you after seeing the case Nina Olesen, who has been waiting for over a year for Elkjøp to install her Epoq kitchen. (TV 2 Play)

Nina has also had to resort to untraditional solutions.

Anne says that she could have written an entire book about poor customer service at Elkjøp.

See answers from Elkjøp and Montera at the bottom of the case.

EPOQ ROOT: This is what the kitchen looked like for several months, according to Anne due to delivery root.  Elkjøp apologizes.  Photo: Private

EPOQ ROOT: This is what the kitchen looked like for several months, according to Anne due to delivery root. Elkjøp apologizes. Photo: Private

The family ordered the kitchen from Elkjøp in December 2020, and it was to be delivered in February or March 2021. Anne says that they paid approximately 130,000 for the kitchen itself, 20,000 for white goods and 21,000 for installation from Montera.

Montera is Norway’s largest assembly company and has a turnover of 175 million this year. Anne emphasizes that her criticism is primarily against Elkjøp.

– Had to work as a project manager

Epoq is the name of Elkjøp’s total kitchen solution. Elkjøp states that they sell around 50 kitchens daily in Norway.

Only in June was the kitchen in place. Almost.

– It was a real nightmare. I had to work almost full time as a project manager and coordinator for the six months it took before everything was in place. In November 2021, we had to call Montera again due to two cabinets not working properly. Then I was told that the fitters can only come in 2022.

Much of Anne’s frustration is due to the fact that she had to keep in touch over time with many different actors. Here is her list:

  • The seller who designed and sold the kitchen at Elkjøp
  • Elkjøp customer service, which you are referred to on Elkjøp’s website
  • Epoq
  • Epoq customer service
  • Install customer service
  • Bring who transported the parts
  • The fitters from Montera

Anne says that the salesman at Elkjøp drew according to their wishes, but it turned out to be quite a mistake. She experienced that it was very difficult to get through at Elkjøp customer service.

– The fitters were Polish and spoke only English. All right, that. They were skilled, but they became frustrated as parts were still missing. This is what we did for several months.

REODOR FELGEN SOLUTION: - We got a worktop for the Epoq kitchen that was too short, so we made an improvised solution, says Anne Engan.  Photo: Private

REODOR FELGEN SOLUTION: – We got a worktop for the Epoq kitchen that was too short, so we made an improvised solution, says Anne Engan. Photo: Private

– We had demolished the old kitchen and were left without cooking facilities. Luckily we had kept the part of the old kitchen where the sink was.

She has no criticism of Bring.

– What is missing in the kitchen now?

– Two drawers do not go in completely. Just as we watched TV 2 helps you his episode about Epoq Kitchen.

– We have put a training manual in the drawer so that it does not “jump out”. Montera says they will contact us in the new year.

Three tips for kitchen customers

1. Check the reference of several sources about which kitchen you should buy.

2. Check that you have a delivery date with a consequence if they do not deliver by that end date.

3. Do not pay everything in advance. Hold back some money until the kitchen is delivered.

Source: Olav Kasland, Director of Housing, Consumer Council.

Install: – We get a new computer system

Montera boss Tord Fleime regrets that Anne Engan had to explain her case several times to customer service.

– This is not how it should be, and we are working to get better systems in place regarding this. Montera is now introducing a new computer system, which we have developed for several years.

– The system will help all our employees get faster and better insight into customers’ cases and can respond better without the customer having to explain several times. We are working very hard to get better, Fleime informs TV 2 helps you.

Elkjøp chooses to pay

COMPENSATION: Elkjøp gives Anne and Jan-Erik NOK 20,000 in compensation.  Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

COMPENSATION: Elkjøp gives Anne and Jan-Erik NOK 20,000 in compensation. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

After TV 2 helps you dig into the kitchen history of Anne and Jan-Erik, the electricity chain has decided that they will give compensation to Anne and Jan-Erik of 20,000 kroner.

– This is in addition to the fact that we of course also solve the customer’s challenge with two drawers that now do not close properly. The customer thus receives new drawers, installation of these and compensation, writes Jan Christian Thommesen, communications manager at Elkjøp Nordic, in an email to TV 2 helps you.

Thommesen also has an apology to Anne and Jan-Erik.

– It is of course not the case that our customers should project manage the kitchen process in the way Anne describes here. The customer is free to choose to assemble himself, or give the job to an assembly company.

EPOQ PROBLEMS: Jan Christian Thommesen, communications manager at Elkjøp Nordic, apologizes to Epoq customer Nina Olesen.  Now he also apologizes to Anne and Jan-Erik Engan.  Photo: Glenn Aaseby

EPOQ PROBLEMS: Jan Christian Thommesen, communications manager at Elkjøp Nordic, apologizes to Epoq customer Nina Olesen. Now he also apologizes to Anne and Jan-Erik Engan. Photo: Glenn Aaseby

– If you have bought a service from Montera, then there should be no need for coordination at the level Anne has been exposed to here, so we just have to apologize, Thommesen writes in an email to TV 2 helps you

– Can Elkjøp and Montera fix Anne’s drawers already this year?

– From our side, we will reach delivery before Christmas, but Montera is unfortunately affected by covid and two full teams have been put out of operation. We are working on looking at any solutions and will get back to the customer immediately, Thommesen answers.

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