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The Kiss of the Blood Prince – Alessa Thorn – Elo-Dit

For fifteen hundred years, the faes have been preparing their revenge and their return to England to claim their rightful place. For Prince Kian, there is no question of a hellish human putting a spoke in his wheels. However, his new slave, captured as a spoil of war, may be the key to his salvation. Kian needs Elise’s blood to break the curse that is slowly destroying him. For her part, Elise must cure Kian of this same curse to win his freedom. When you make a deal with a fae, you can’t go back. But is it worth the risk if his freedom costs him his heart and condemns his country?

Julia’s opinion

A promising first volume!

This is a novel that I quickly took out of my TBR pile, since it really tempted me and although it is not perfect, I had a good time reading it.

I am a great lover of the fae people, so I rarely resist discovering a new one, this one is no exception to the rule and I must say that it highlights an absolutely fascinating universe, which is truly its strong point, but also its weak point, because in my opinion, it is too little exploited here, which can be put down to the introductory side of this start of the series, that is in any case, what I hope. However, the foundations are at least solid, extremely interesting, since they take place in a world completely contemporary to ours, in our society, which made sure to banish this people several centuries ago, betraying them in the worst possible way, with terrible violence and no less striking injustice, attacking the youngest, to exterminate the entire last generation. So, when they manage to cross the borders that we have imposed on them, it is with a spirit of vengeance proportional to what has been inflicted on them, which drives them, it is a merciless war which is unleashed between them and us, where the magic of the faes, as well as the pacts made in ancient times, will cause absolutely devastating damage. It is in this context that we meet Elise, an ordinary young woman, who will see her life turned upside down, attracting, despite herself, the attention of Kian, the prince of the faes, during the invasion and neither she nor he could expect what would follow. I am discovering Alessa Thorn’s writing style, simple, effective, modern, she manages to draw us into her world quite easily, it is fluid and entertaining, although we can criticize her for a certain lack of depth at the moment, which is again, possibly linked to the setting up of this first opus. So, the plot is in my opinion a little too fast, even if we understand all the ins and outs without problem, that we are never lost, we could have appreciated taking more time, that the different elements are better exploited, bringing a little more consistency to a whole a little too superficial for my taste. However, the story that binds our characters is of much better quality, their story is more worked, the accent has really been amplified in this area, which is pleasant, we take pleasure in following them, laughing at their verbal jousts and being touched by the trials that they have been able to go through or that they will have to go through, because this war will not be without sacrifices.

“She had been changing more and more each day, and she knew why now. The runes that shimmered on her when they were skin to skin were just the beginnings of the strangeness she would soon be plunged into.”

In short: The Kiss of the Blood Prince is a first volume that is clearly not lacking in interest, but which suffers from a real lack of depth in its universe, regrettable, I hope that this is due to an introductory first volume, that things can develop later, but it is still a gripping story, although at a pace that is a little too fast, which essentially focuses on this duo of characters, who find themselves linked, for better or for worse, in spite of themselves, when everything opposed them!

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