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The killer, who wiped a baby boy and was 22, died in prison

Petra Kučerová, a spokeswoman for the General Directorate of Prisons, could not directly confirm the information due to the protection of personal data. “We are currently investigating the death of a prisoner. I cannot provide more detailed information with regard to the course of the investigation and the GDPR, “she told Novinky on Thursday, stating that the prisoner was alone in the cell at the time of death.

The Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office in Ústí nad Labem, which initially filed the indictment with the Ústí nad Labem court, also did not confirm the information with reference to the fact that the prison management is competent.

The information was confirmed on Thursday by News sources from the judiciary, which, however, could not speak officially in relation to a specific person. It is clear from the information that in the previous days there was the death of a person in the Valdice prison, who was recently sentenced to an exceptional sentence for extremely serious crime, which corresponds to the case of Josef K.

The Expres.cz server also informed about the man’s death with a link to the convict’s parents. “The police came to us and handed us a report of our son’s death. That they received a fax and they have to pass it on to us, “the server quoted Josef K’s father. According to him, the prison ruled out someone else’s fault.


WITHOUT COMMENT: The escort brings Josef K. to the meeting (June 24, 2020).

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Josef K. received a sentence of 16 years for wiping out a three-year-old stepson last October at the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, and the High Court of Appeal in Prague tightened the sentence to an exceptional 22 years ago a week ago on Wednesday, reconsidering the case for murder.

“I have never encountered such treatment of a child in about forty years of experience,” said Jiří Lněnička, chairman of the Board of Appeal. “It is not clear how the minor earned such harsh treatment and sadistic practices from the defendant,” he said, justifying the imposition of an exceptional sentence.

According to the file, Josef K. abused not even the three-year-old son of his then companion in Louny last year between January and February. The toddler showered repeatedly with cold water, forcing him to kneel and hold a book for more than five minutes, slapping him all over his body, repeatedly burning him with a cigarette and iron, biting him at least twenty times, or opening his closed jaws with a wooden spoon with his mother’s assistance. All this in order to “ensure his obedience and attain his re-education.”

Last year, the defendant did not deny his “re-education” in court, but refused to burn the child and beat him before the fateful night in mid-February, when the boy collapsed at night and showed no signs of life in the morning, while the defendant and his girlfriend did not call an ambulance. The case also prosecutes the mother of a toddler who did not defend her child from Josef K. and, on the contrary, endured his abuse.

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