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The Kiev resident donated blood more than 100 times

Since the beginning of the war, the man in the hospital has been constantly donating blood and components. He believes that his blood is already fighting somewhere.

As the journalists said ICTVYevhen Goldych from Kiev donated blood 113 times.

It all started when one of his colleagues urgently needed help. This blood donation literally changed his attitude towards donation from the very first time. He realized that blood really does save lives.

Since then, he has been trying not to miss donations, according to protocol. He says that it has disciplined him and encouraged him to pay more attention to his own health and reconsider his diet. And with the beginning of the war, he constantly donates blood and components at the military hospital. He believes that his blood is already fighting somewhere.

A volunteer donor came to tell his story to journalists during the presentation of the donor platform. To convince our compatriots once again that saving is easy and anyone can do it.

As reported in the Ukrainian Transplant Coordination Center, Donor platform – a nationwide platform that collects important and reliable information about donating blood and its components.

Who can donate blood, whether there are contraindications, how to prepare for donation, whether it is worth taking a day off, how to recover after donation – on this resource you can easily find answers to all the questions a donor may have.

Donor traffic light. This is a unique section on the platform where information on the availability of stocks of blood groups and Rh type in all regions of the country is collected and regularly updated. Any Ukrainian can easily find out if his blood group is deficient and plan a donation accordingly.

Even in peacetime, the healthcare system ensures a constant supply of blood and blood components, so that everyone who needs medical assistance receives it on time and in sufficient quantities. In developed countries that live without war, the average number of donations per 1 person is 15.9. In Ukraine, this figure is only 11 donations per 1 inhabitant. In addition, many Ukrainians were forced to leave the country due to Russian aggression. And in wartime, the need for donor blood increases several times, shelling and missile attacks can lead to situations when a large number of blood components are suddenly required in one place.

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