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The kidnapping of the deputy’s daughter: details have become known

SBU managed to find the kidnappers

The intruders on the highway chose a blind spot without CCTV cameras to cut off the car in which the girl was traveling.

The girl was in captivity for two weeks. She had to sleep sitting, tied to the battery. Meanwhile, her kidnappers extorted a ransom of half a million dollars from her parents, reports Today.

It is noted that the 19-year-old girl disappeared on her way to Kiev: her car was cut off on the highway, and the student was kidnapped. The girl’s mother, Tatyana Kirichenko, said that after the abduction she received an anonymous sms-message.

“We received an sms: if you want to return a loved one, there was B in parentheses, then go to the Telegram channel,” said the mother of the kidnapped girl Tatyana Kirichenko.

The attackers thought of everything. The so-called blind zone was specially chosen on the track – without CCTV cameras.

“In their correspondence with the criminals, they let us know that they were following, they know everything,” Tatiana Kirichenko shared her experience.

Vita is a third year student at the Institute of Law. Her father is a deputy of the Poltava Regional Council, the family has an agricultural enterprise. There was money from the sale of real estate, but it was not enough for the announced ransom amount. They demanded 10 bitcoins from the family, that is, 470 thousand dollars. The parents immediately went to the police. The SBU got down to business.

“The attacker is currently accused of premeditated murder, in connection with which he is being held in a pre-trial detention center. The organizer of the” scheme “was a man who is now behind bars. , – said the prosecutor of the office of the Prosecutor General Denis Oleinik.

According to the press secretary of the SBU in the Poltava region, Inna Usova, the abductors communicated with each other and with the girl’s parents exclusively through the Telegram channel or the hidden Internet network Darknet, but they were able to establish and detain.

The kidnapper and two accomplices were detained. They face up to nine years behind bars.

It was previously reported that SBU detained a gang that kidnapped the deputy’s daughter and demanded $ 470 thousand.

Recall that the Pechersk District Court of Kiev arrested police officers who suspected of kidnapping… They wanted to get 10 thousand dollars from the victim.

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