On Christmas Day, Czech Television will show a new fairy tale by director Karel Janák called The Key of Saint Peter. The story begins with a dapper thief stealing the key to the heavenly gate from St. Peter, and he now has to open it with a peephole. St. Peter makes the thief go in search of the key and bring it back.
The audience can look forward to Petr Nárožný in the role of the king, as well as Sabina Remundová, David Novotný, Lukáš Příkazký, Filip Březina or Sára Korbelová.
“What I love about the script for St. Peter’s Key is how it brilliantly combines classic fairy tale characters such as the waterman, the evil counselors or the princess with less common characters. In our case, with St. Peter and three main heroes, a thief, a fraudster and an innocent Tobias,” director Karel Janák said earlier.
On December 25, the Czech-Slovak fairy tale Three Golden Ducats will premiere, which Czech Television will broadcast with dual sound. Viewers can therefore choose whether to hear it in the Slovak original or with the Czech dubbing.
On December 26, Czech Television will repeat last year’s extremely successful fairy tale The Krakonoš’s Mystery.
Another cheerful story for the deaf will also have its premiere, this time a fairy tale called The Two Little Mermaids. It will thus complement the collection of seven previous fairy tales for hearing-impaired children, which was the first ever in Europe to be filmed by ČT.
The broadcast will not miss proven classics, such as Three Nuts for Cinderella, Beds, The Angel of the Lord, The Secret of the Old Bambi or The Crazy Sad Princess.
The spiritual dimension of the holidays will be reminded of the documentary Mary Magdalene, Apostle of the Apostles, a speech by Archbishop Jan Graubner will also be heard, and there will be a broadcast of the midnight mass, this time from the Prague Church of Our Lady of Victory (Prague Infant Church).
The traditional Advent concerts will start a little earlier this year, already on November 26, because the last Sunday of Advent is Christmas Day. This year, Richard Samko, Jakub Szántó, Lucie Křížková and Tereza Řezníčková are the patrons of the organizations for whose benefit the concerts will take place.
The CEO of Czech Television, Jan Souček, in the morning program Studio 6, also drew attention to the selected collections of programs in iVysílní. For those who do not choose the Christmas TV program, iVyslígá will have films by Woody Allen, Jan Hřebejk or Jan Svěrák, for example.
Download: Czech Television press kit for the Christmas broadcast in 2023 (PDF)
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2023-11-01 16:35:15
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