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The Kennedy myth is over (again)

MediaNews Group/Boston Herald via Getty Images via Getty Images

This is the millionth article on the end of the Kennedy myth. The first were written in 1968 when Jacqueline, President John’s widow (according to some doubly widowed after the murder of her brother-in-law Robert in June), married the ineffable Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis. Now for the first time a Kennedy, 39-year-old Joe III son of Joe II and grandson of Robert, has lost an election in Massachusetts, the family fiefdom state. He has not even made it to the November vote for the Senate: the outgoing Democratic senator over seventy years passed him in the primary.

To understand the humiliation, suffice it to say that Joe III has been unrivaled half of the four times he has been elected MP from 2012 to the present. In the sense that no one had dared to run against him, neither in the Democratic primary nor in the vote against the Republicans, and he won with 97%. The Kennedys in Massachusetts were simply unbeatable, useless to object.

Far from Boston, however, the Kennedys have already tasted defeat. The second collapse of the myth occurred in 1969, when Senator Ted, brother of John and Bob, did nothing to save his secretary and lover Mary Jo Kopechne who ended up with him in the water with the car in Chappaquiddick, on the cursed island. of Martha’s Vineyard. He was too drunk, and it took him ten hours to warn the police that the 28-year-old girl was also in the car, who had survived for three hours in an air bubble and therefore could be saved. Sentenced to only two months with suspended sentence.

But we Kennedyans (that is, all the +60 of the vaguely left-wing non-communist world) immediately acquitted the senator who carried the torch of the myth. We urged him to run in 1972 against Nixon, in 1976 against Carter, until in 1980 he was defeated by Carter in the primary. End of presidential ambitions.

Among the Kennedys of the second generation (or rather third, if Patriarch Joe is the pro-Nazi US ambassador in London) the most promising seemed to be Kathleen, daughter of Robert, deputy governor of Maryland. But in 2002, when she attempted the leap to governor, she failed. His daughter Maeve died five months ago with 9-year-old grandson Gideon while they went canoeing.

The Kennedy curse, which has become a literary subgenre, experienced two spikes in 1997, when Robert’s son Michael died crashing into a tree while skiing in Aspen, and in 1999, when John’s son John fell on his plane while flying from New York to New York. cursed island of Martha’s Vineyard. The conspiracy theorists considered it no coincidence that a few days after Michael’s death another Democratic politician died skiing against a tree: Sonny Bono, former singer and partner of Cher, author of Bang Bang. For them, even the logs plot.

When the Kennedys aren’t out of luck, they (they) hurt themselves. William Kennedy Smith, Ted’s nephew, has been accused twice of rape. Always acquitted, but he had to resign from office when it emerged that he had silenced other girls with money ready to report him.

Countless stories of Kennedy addicted to drugs and alcohol. But the myth resists. And it will not be scratched even by the latest version of the combative Robert Kennedy junior, until 2017 one of the most prominent ecologists in the USA. Since then the turning point: he has become an antivaccinist. He is convinced that vaccines cause autism in children. And he blames Bill Gates, who financed WHO’s third world vaccination campaigns.

The conspiracy theorists of America and Europe rejoice: they finally have a high-sounding name to exhibit. Of course, Covid is for them like cheese on macaroni. Robert Kennedy jr participated on Sunday in the Berlin denial procession against masks and distances, starting against the “big scam”: Gates, Soros, Fauci, Big Pharma and the “globalist” strong powers take advantage of the virus, maybe they invented it and certainly exaggerate it the dangers, just to force us to vaccinate: “Governments love pandemics, because they force us to obey.”

Perhaps this Kennedy, very junior despite his 66 years, felt a bit like Uncle John who in 1962 gave one of his most famous speeches in Berlin, also on the theme of freedom.

Who knows that Massachusetts voters didn’t want to punish the world’s most illustrious no-Covid by knocking out his nephew Joe III in the primary yesterday.

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