The Kawasaki Study Group consists of the following members: prof.dr. NA Blom, Dr. M. Bruijn, Drs. LC Delemarre, Drs. KM Dolman, Drs. MK Felderhof, Drs. L. Filippini, Drs. M. Groeneweg, Drs. M. Groenink, Drs. T. Hendriks, Drs. NM Weggelaar, dr. JG Noordzij, drs. R. Nuboer, dr. RN Planken, prof.dr. FB Plötz, drs. L. Rozendaal, dr. AM Vlieger, prof.dr. P. de Winter and prof.dr. RJ Winter.
The KIRI Group consists of the following members: dr. M. van den Berg, dr. G. Biesbroek, prof.dr. M. Boele van Hensbroek, drs. MP Gruppen, dr. M. van der Kuip, dr. SQ Nagelkerke, prof.dr. D. Pajkrt, drs. D. Schonenberg-Meinema, prof.dr. AM Tutu van Furth.
Irene M. Kuipers and Taco W. Kuijpers authors contributed equally to this manuscript and are therefore joint last author.
2023-06-07 04:00:00
#Kawasaki #disease #SARSCoV2 #related #MISC