JAKARTA – The term equator may no longer be foreign to most people. This line is known as an imaginary line created by geographers to determine the midpoint of the Earth, and understand the division of areas on the north and south poles of this planet. But apart from that, there is one more term that is actually worth knowing, namely the Karman line (Karman line).
Both are regional ‘dividing’ boundaries, only the term Karman line was coined by scientists and experts in the field of astronomy. The Karman Line is an imaginary line that is the boundary between the Earth’s atmosphere and space.
Not just an ordinary imaginary reference, the Karman line standard has a big influence on human life, because it is used as a calculation in various projects related to space missions and so on.
Location of Karman Lines
Quoted from National Geographic, The Karman line point is at a distance of around 62 miles or the equivalent of 100 kilometers above sea level. In its determination, the party that takes this provision into account internationally is the International Aeronautical Federation (FAI), which involves agreement from the majority of 195 countries in the world.
A little information, if you look at the known layers of the atmosphere, the Karman line point is right after the layer mesosphere, or before thermosphere. That is, experts determine if it starts from a height of more than 100 kilometers above sea level or layer thermosphere and exosphere then this height has entered the space zone.
Meanwhile, at an altitude of less than 100 kilometers above sea level, say even 90-99 kilometers, the airspace at certain points is still included in the air territory of each sovereign country.
If you look at its origins, the name of the Karman line itself is taken from the name of its initiator who is a Hungarian/American scientist and physicist, namely Theodore von Karman.
Another interesting fact is that research was being carried out to determine the Karman line in 1944. The points on this imaginary line apparently changed. Among other things, Theodore Karman initially determined that the Karman line was at an altitude of 80 kilometers. However, the NASA Mission Control space agency has a different standard that is further away, namely at an altitude of 122 kilometers.
In the end, the middle position 100 kilometers away, which was considered more ideal, was chosen and agreed to date.
Why is it Important?
There are several things that make the Karman line provisions so necessary. One of them is the limit on the use of aircraft types with special capabilities in exploring space for exploration needs.
Because of course, after passing through the Karman line or the outermost layer of the earth’s atmosphere, conventional aircraft with ordinary capabilities and lift will not be able to fly into space, which requires a fleet with special working methods.
In addition, the Karman line also determines the cruising range of pilots involved in aviation fleet flights either by conventional aircraft or special aircraft.
This means that if someone flies a plane or carries out exploration beyond a distance of 100 kilometers above sea level, then that person is worthy and can be called an astronaut.
2023-10-05 19:19:14
#Karman #Line #boundary #Earth #space