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The justice hardens the tone and sanctions

Prosecutor the public prosecutor in Castres, Celine Raignault warns : “we are going to crack down harder and harder” against poachers, especially of protected species. And in fact, despite the lack of human resources of the OFB on the ground – 260 environmental agents to Occitania which, moreover, have been confined so that they were everywhere sought on poachers, who in turn, took advantage well of the containment according to our sources – for the past few years, the folders “little birds” are no longer classified to the radius “folklore and traditions”.

On the 17th of September next, a man being prosecuted for poaching 10 000 species in the Landes, including robins and tits to make skewers (50 000€ of estimated earnings), will be brought to Dax, while in the Var, a human trafficker to 100 000 € turnover estimated has appeared in the last year… To Castres ? It has already held a case trapper of goldfinches, two years ago, which allowed us to measure the evolution of things. “Before, the search of surprise that is essential in this type of survey was possible only for the crimes which could be punished to prison for five years minimum. Gold in these cases of poaching, there are very few offences that exceed one year, these facts are still a bit suppressed by the legislature. But thanks to a sub-paragraph of article 76, it can be done if one seeks a protected species and it is this that the judge of freedom and detention has been authorized. It is an evolution of procedural very interesting which we will not deprive us”, points out Celine Raignault. And jail sentences will no doubt be financial penalties journals very to increase, given the profitability of these trades. Traffic that grow all the more… that they were little punished, and less risky than the drug despite the harm caused. Type in the portfolio : the road opened in Paris, 5 years ago, when a carl in paris has been sentenced to six months suspended and 1 500 € for a single goldfinch. But the risk registered in the law for the poachers is a penalty of up to three years in prison and a 150 000 € fine. Knowing that each floor now has “its” reference environment and in the framework of the restructuring of the courts, judges are “specialized” and will soon be appointed, the level of sanction could also severely increase. But not necessarily the number of records : “it was a lot of information, but not the staff to treat them,” says an agent of the environment, vexed.

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