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The Journey of Rebeca: From Jumping to Paris 2024 and Becoming the Best in the World

“I really like jumping, I really like doing parallels too. So I’m very happy, very proud of everything I’ve presented so far. And I think that’s it, there’s no other word.”

At the end of the race, the American made a sign of reverence for Rebeca, showing admiration for the Brazilian’s great performance. Regarding her opponent’s gesture, the gold medalist responded with a mix of shyness and joy.

“I’m a little embarrassed, right? Because it’s in public. But it’s really cool to see how much we root for each other, how happy they are for our success and us for their success too. Everyone understands what it’s like This sport is difficult and how we train so hard to get here and do our best”, commented Rebeca.

Preparation for Paris 2024

[Espero] to be happy, very healthy so that I can do what I am training. Get there to do the best. As I say, the result is a consequence of what I will do in the competition. So, if I’m training well and my body is firm, if I’m in a good headspace, I know that I’ll arrive and do the best I can do there.

I work to become one of the best in the world

[Graças ao apoio] from Flamengo, COBE, CBG. If it weren’t for them, for my coach, for the multidisciplinary team, I wouldn’t be here today. For so many different processes that I needed to do, leaving home and after the surgeries, keeping my head clear, knowing that I was capable of coming back, I needed them all there by my side. There were moments when I really threw in the towel. But they fought there together with me. They made me understand that I could do more, they believed not only in the potential I had as an athlete, but in the person I am, and they always made that very clear. They were the main reasons why I didn’t give up.

2023-10-25 03:45:36
#Olhar #Olímpico #Rebeca #historic #jump #Pan #perfect

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