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The Journey of Reading: A Participatory Library at Santa Fe Bus Terminal

A participatory library was enabled this Thursday at the Manuel Belgrano Bus Terminal, at 2910 Belgrano Street, in the city of Santa Fe. People who embark on a trip will be able to take a book to enjoy reading and also collaborate by leaving one that they have enjoyed. and want to share with other passengers. The Municipality of Santa Fe project “The Journey of Reading” begins with fifty titles donated by publishers, authors, and authors at the last local Book Fair.

“The name of the project says it all,” said Mayor Emilio Jatón, during the presentation. “About 20,000 people come and go here every day and many times the waits are long, so there is nothing better than the company of a book,” he added. “We can all donate books, we can all take them and we must all return them, this is how the virtuous circuit works that means we can all read a book without these tables being empty.”

There are two tables with books arranged in the central hall of the Terminal so that anyone can take a book and read it, without having to carry out any type of procedure. On Thursday there were books by local, national and other authors from other countries; from little-known authors to renowned ones, such as “News of a Kidnapping”, by Gabriel García Márquez, “The House of the Spirits”, by Isabel Allende, or “The Da Vinci Code”, by Dan Brown, among others.

First curious ones. Some people timidly approached the tables this Thursday morning to find out what the proposal is about. Guillermo Di Salvatore.

There are also books with strong roots in the Santa Fe identity, by Teresita Cherry, Susana Ibañez, Yamil Dora, Jorge Conti, Marianela Alegre and Enrique Butti, among others. One of the collective works that stands out from the table is the book “Bestiario de las Islas”, which is the result of the compilation of the stories obtained in workshops and interviews that were carried out in neighborhoods on the coast of Santa Fe. throughout 2015 and 2016. A work with a lot of local identity.

“The circulation of cultural goods, such as books in this case, is a commitment to citizen responsibility, so that they return, but also to solidarity, because we know that many people are going to bring books to add to this collection,” said the Municipal Culture Secretary, Paulo Ricci, who thanked the first donation made by the authors and publishers during the last Book Fair.

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“Those who come will find many recently published books mixed among other historical books donated by some libraries, such as the Enrique Muttis and the publishing house of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral,” said Ricci. “The idea is to spread this initiative and have people bring books so that they can be passed from hand to hand.”

All the books are available to anyone who wants to take them to read, with the commitment to return them or leave others so that another person can do the same. The one in Santa Fe would be the first experience of this type at least in the province and is repeated in other Latin American cities, such as Medellín, or European cities, such as Madrid or Barcelona.

Those who are waiting for a bus to travel can take a book and enjoy reading, or they can choose to take them with them on the trip to return it when they return to the city. But the proposal is also open so that those who have books and want to add them can do so, taking them to the Bus Terminal.

The project is founded on the idea that libraries should be open and participatory spaces, where the community can collaborate by donating books and borrowing those they need. Inside each copy arranged on the tables there is a brochure explaining the proposal.

2023-11-02 15:09:33
#Bus #Terminal #enabled #free #participatory #library

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