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The joke of Lozan Panov – disgusted by his people

The nomination for vice president surprised everyone, and even the candidate is still getting to know her

According to Maria Kasimova-Moase, there is obviously no simpler, ill-mannered, unclean and ragged nation than the Bulgarian one.

“I expect the support of all free-thinking Bulgarians in this country.” This was announced by Lozan Panov, whom a few days ago “Justice for Everyone” nominated as a presidential candidate.

“My cause was the independence of the judiciary, the conquest of institutions. I will appeal to all free citizens to support me, because I would like to be the next president who will sign or not sign the decree appointing the chairman of the Supreme Court of Cassation, “said Lozan Panov, who is still head of the Supreme Court of Cassation. . The news of his nomination was not so unexpected, as for some time now his name has been associated as one of the options for a candidate for DB, although proposed by the Initiative Committee.

The contradiction in his words is immediately impressive, because as president he really can’t make any changes in the judiciary. Panov is constantly talking about judicial reform and the fight against the mafia, and with this candidacy he is taking a step back. Among some of his supporters, questions also arose as to why Panov was involved in the battle for Dondukov, given that his chances, especially against the background of Radev and Gerdjikov, are defined as minimal.

But a much bigger surprise, including among supporters of the coalition (DB) and Panov personally, was caused by the nomination of Maria Kasimova-Moase as vice president. Moase is a journalist and writer, and in recent years she has gained popularity for her activity on Facebook, which has brought her some followers.

It is also impressive that the two do not know each other personally, they have only heard about each other, they even talk to you, as Moasse noted in one of his first speeches after the nomination. “We have never seen each other. We are about to meet. We are talking to you, but it turned out that he knows my job and my positions well. I know his work well, I am extremely impressed by the resilience of this man, by the morality he professes.

Moase has worked as a journalist for BNT, Standart, 24 Chasa, and is a columnist for online media such as Webcafe and Slaveykov Square. Even in the first hours after the nomination, more memorable were some of her texts during the years in which the emphasis was almost always placed on the bad features of the Bulgarians. I write “to the Bulgarians” because in his writings Moses always summarizes and generalizes – the Bulgarians are like that, the Bulgarians are like that.

There were also comments that the work with Slaveykov Square is not, in fact, paradoxical at first glance, a good attestation, because in many of the materials published there, the scandal is deliberately sought, affecting this or that, the most -often the “ordinary Bulgarians”, which inevitably leads to fragmentation between people – something that we definitely do not need, at least at a time when our society is already extremely divided in its positions.

In fact, the lady increased her popularity a few years ago, when she started a battle of life and death, a battle against the Sunday dance in front of the National Theater, which took place there for six years. The case was one of those not very important and not insignificant for our future, which, however, became another dividing line between citizens.

“Yesterday I was at a performance at the National Theater. Half an hour before the start, I was walking around and witnessed the beginning of a dance right in front of the theater building. I came out two and a half hours later, after the show, and there were still drummers outside, led by a giant flag, ”read one of the publications on the subject, and the attempt to downplay the event was immediately obvious. Because, agree, it would not be difficult for Moise to simply write that some of those present at the productions, including her, heard noise from outside.

But the truth is that by doing a very brief retrospective of u’s publications over the years, the goal has always been to “punch Ganyo’s pitcher.” Others recall an extremely sour text in her words, in which she long and irrigatingly explains how they should be dressed, how they should clap, how they should breathe, if you will, the people who go to a concert in Bulgaria Hall.

But let’s not be unfounded, here is a short excerpt of some titles and quotes from her texts:
“Why don’t Bulgarians bathe?” Is the title of one of the articles, and in conclusion Moase writes: “And calm down – it is certain that frequent bathing does not thin the skin and make it cold! If your grandmother insists on the opposite, just give u a knit, play u the series on TV and let her tickle her with indignation. And you … march in the bathroom! ”; “The ugliness of motherhood”, “The Bulgarian is a rural macho, the Bulgarian lady-retail” He speaks to me, and she calls him unfortunate; it’s about people’s psychology and the first seven years “;

“Our church does not love the poor. For her, they are not a source of money and she hates their misfortune, which, as a rule, should be encountered “; “On Milena Slavova’s Cherry and Some Deficits”; “How to behave in the” Cherry on the Cake “so that we do not look simple” and black humor on social media, it’s better to catch a little disgust. Disgust to ourselves as human beings, but also as people of the 21st century, who should have long ago accepted hygiene as a reflex ”; “In connection with Pride, I will only say that the very fact that we are discussing whether or not to have it shows that we are about fifty years behind our time”; “Tracksuits experts”; “So I think I will vote for this candidate for mayor, who stopped the decorative patriotism in our city and allowed it to really be a city of citizens, not a square for peasants!”; “That’s why I think how useful it would be for a huge part of the Bulgarian people – men and women in particular – to take, like the Cobras, to attend these two educational courses on sexual harassment.”; “Gourmet sausages and Bulgarian chefs.”; “The folklore consciousness, lined with old-fashioned but powerful support for Orthodoxy, does not notice the woman outside of motherhood.”

And I think we should stop here, because you have probably already become very uncomfortable to read – not so much from the attempts to demonstrate a sense of superiority, but from the fact that apparently according to Moasse, there is no simpler, more rude, dirty and ragged nation than the Bulgarian .

I just wonder, on top of what the lady in question will seek, demand and expect support from this same people. Or she will probably rely on some minimal stratum of yellow-tailed deer, with claims to elitism, which unfortunately is a very small number, and the rest are simple Ganyovites. Apparently Moase doesn’t know, or maybe doesn’t care, that the president, including the vice president, is like that of the whole nation, not of a handful of (pseudo) intellectuals. And for both of them, I believe you think so, something else is obligatory – although too simple for the lady’s claims – to love their country and people.

Here are just a small part of them: “” Why don’t Bulgarians bathe? “,” The ugliness of motherhood “,” He talks to me, she calls him unfortunate “, “In the name of our health culture and the fear of the ‘Chinese virus’, instead of spreading nonsense and black humor on social media, it’s better to get a little disgusted. Disgust from ourselves as human beings, but also as people of the 21st century, who should have long ago accepted hygiene as a reflex. ‘

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