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The James Webb Space Telescope is almost ready to go. It did not disappoint expectations

The James Webb Space Telescope will make great strides in astronomy. It is already almost operational, as confirmed by the ground crew.

As reported by NASA, the process of aligning the optical elements was completed a few days ago James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and now the device is almost ready for observation. However, the first photos are already behind him. The US Space Agency shared some remarkably detailed photos of the Large Magellanic Cloud a few days ago.

The photos come from the tests of the telescope’s optics and it must be admitted that they make a great impression. Experts admit that the images recorded by the measuring instruments are of much better quality than they expected. Therefore, the JWST is ready to go to the final stage of preparations – putting the scientific instruments into use.

The James Webb Space Telescope is almost ready to go.  It did not disappoint expectations

“The images obtained have profoundly changed the way I perceive the universe. We are surrounded by a symphony of creation, galaxies are everywhere. I hope everyone in the world can see it,” admitted Dr. Scott Acton of Ball Aerospace, responsible for the telescope’s optics. NASA emphasizes that the quality of detail reproduction by measuring instruments is the highest that is allowed by the laws of physics.

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Most of the experts responsible for the optics of the telescope have finished their work. The next step will be to calibrate the remaining data collection instruments. Each of them is equipped with sets of unique lenses, masks, filters and sensors. This phase of preparations will take another two months. Therefore, research work will begin in the summer.

We remind you that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has replaced Hubble Space Telescope and will enable infrared observation of the cosmos. Its most important goals will be to observe the stars formed after the Big Bang and to study and evolve star systems, planetary systems and galaxies.

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