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The Jamal gas pipeline again stopped supplying gas to Germany

Russian gas flows through Poland to Germany via the Jamal gas pipeline. Last Saturday, however, the flow in the pipeline reversed and deliveries to Germany were not resumed until Thursday. As a result, gas prices in Europe rose by as much as 23 percent during the week compared to last Friday.

Moscow has recently faced allegations that it is trying to force Germany and the European Union to approve the operation of the new Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline by restricting gas supplies. It is to bring Russian gas to Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Russia denies the allegations and has promised additional gas supplies to Europe as soon as it fills domestic storage tanks. He expects this to happen by Monday.

According to Reuters, the Polish gas company PGNiG stated that Poland receives gas from the western and eastern directions. “From our point of view, everything is fine. Gazprom is fulfilling the contract, “she added. Gazprom has previously warned that despite the reversal of the flow in the pipeline, it is fulfilling its obligations to its customers in Europe.

Due to disagreements with Moscow, some Eastern European countries do not buy gas directly from Russia, but through contracts with other states. According to earlier information from the Russian agency Interfax, these so-called reverse contracts are behind the reverse flow of the Jamal gas pipeline. Their designation is derived from the fact that gas from Russia is bought by Western European companies, which then send it back east to countries that, for political reasons, do not want to buy directly from Russia.

The Jamal gas pipeline brings Russian gas through Belarusian and Polish territories to Germany. Its capacity is up to 33 billion cubic meters per year. Last year, the agreement between Russia and Poland on the transit of raw materials expired, but Gazprom can order transmission capacity at auctions.

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