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the IUT counts (on) its sheep

They are thirteen, thirteen sheep belonging to a retired farmer, who have taken up their new quarters at the University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Thionville-Yutz. A project that is part of an eco-grazing action “in accordance with the guidelines of the IUT, already engaged in the recovery of bio-waste, renewable energies and sorting”, underlines the director, Antonietta Specogna. At the gates of the city, on one hectare, the sheep of Monsieur Paul have become the new mascots. “In this complex period, we have colleagues who come to observe the sheep during the lunch break. It is a moment of sharing and fun, ”continues the director. Here, everyone is attentive to these new residents who are responsible for maintaining the premises. “Sheep droppings are very beneficial to microorganisms and promote the development of pollinating insects,” says Mr. Paul, the owner of the animals, originally from Distroff.

A lasting initiative

“The presence of pollinating insects is an advantage for our researchers who are working on the impact of pollutants. We will soon have a hive which will complete the bumblebee swarm already present on the site and which constitutes the working basis of Professor Jaïro Falla-Angel. “A Pacte Grand Est Compétences dossier has also been submitted by the IUT of Thionville-Yutz to the Region, with a view to the opening of the third course” medical biotechnology and biotechnology “of the university bachelor’s” biological engineering ” and this, with the aim of welcoming more technological graduates.

The happy colony should settle permanently on the northern Moselle site of the University of Lorraine. “The idea is for this initiative to continue, for it to be sustainable”, assures Antonietta Specogna. As proof, the IUT will soon invest in the construction of a hut so that the animals can shelter and an autonomous water system, allowing the drinking troughs to be filled without assistance.

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