Magazine Timefamous for its rankings of the most influential people (and companies) on the planet, has published the list of the best EdTech companies in the worldthe result of research and selection work that began in December 2023.
In 55th place in this ranking there is Talent Gardenthe only Italian company among the top 100 positions.
Italy is also represented by Docsitywhich is in 174th place on a list of 250 names.
The three best EdTechs on the planetaccording to the US magazine, they are Emeritus (Singapore), Memrise (United Kingdom) e Health (Brazil). The list is dominated by US companies, which occupy a third of the positions. China has 10% and the UK 6%.
The ranking – compiled by Time in collaboration with Statista – is based on a combining score a company’s financial strength and impact on the industry.
Talent Garden was founded in 2011 by Davide Dattoli and Lorenzo Maternini.
Irene Boni she has been the CEO since 2021, the year the company acquired Swedish Hyper Islandone of the most renowned European digital business schools.
“In Talent Garden we promote a continuous, collaborative and dynamic learning environment that always uses cutting-edge technologies – said Dattoli commenting on Time’s “recognition” -. An example of this is the recent launch of the first Italian app in the EdTech world on Vision Pro and the numerous courses on artificial intelligence”.
“The Italian EdTech sector is still characterized by micro businesses – said the other founder of Tag, Maternini – but our country has a lot to give in the EdTech sector and this recognition is an invitation to create a system to be increasingly protagonists”.
Together with Gedi Groupand in particular to the hub Italian Tech which deals with technology and innovation, Talent Garden has created the Italian Tech Academy dedicated to the acquisition of new digital skills.
Skills for the future? “The ability to make not only professional but also human decisions”
by Eleonora Chioda

The EdTech sector, of which Talent Garden is part, brings together all those companies that combine education with technologyin order to offer innovative solutions to encourage and improve learning.
In Italy – according to Statista – the EdTech sector is destined to grow by 4.88% in the next 5 years, with a turnover that will reach $1.84 billion in 2029.
#Italian #Talent #Garden #among #EdTechs #world #Time
– 2024-05-04 09:29:32