Home » today » World » The Istanbul Convention buried European identity – 2024-08-05 18:34:02

The Istanbul Convention buried European identity – 2024-08-05 18:34:02

/ world today news/ GERB today stopped the procedure for ratification of the Istanbul Convention. They realized that they were on the verge of failure. They realized that the political situation was unfavorable for them. They will probably try to ratify this divisive convention again in the future.

Since the beginning of 2018, public attention in the country has been focused on a facade European presidency and a deep public dispute and public division – the attitude to the possible consequences of the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence).

Signed in red; with blue ratified

The uninitiated in the deep ruts of modern politics bring to the fore the prevention and fight against violence against women. Most people by domestic violence mean violence against women and against children. And of course, no one in the modern humanist society supports or openly advocates violence, and everyone is against violence against women and domestic violence. But there are elements in the text of the convention, and especially in the explanatory report, which confirm the old rule that the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. Essentially, through some of these texts, the main cell of modern society – the family – is being further destroyed and the future of many children is failing.

In the great mass of the discussions, especially from the side of the women participants in them, it is evident that they are possessed by a kind of wild feminism and an obsession with necessarily complete equality between the sexes. Nature has divided man into two different groups, into two different sexes with their specifics, with their peculiarities, skills, skills and emotions. Women and men are equal only in legal and political terms as citizens of society, as participants in social processes and parties to social relations. But under the guise of fighting for equality and non-violence against women, the factual situation in society is distorted and public opinions and moods are manipulated. The good idea of ​​combating domestic violence serves as a cover to hide the true goals of these meaningless conventions.

The fight against violence against women and domestic violence are presented in the foreground, but the real deeper and essential problems remain behind the screen. There are quite a lot of normative documents for the fight against violence in almost all countries of the world. But no one emphasizes the observance and application of these accepted legal norms, but focuses on the search for new non-standard, unproductive ways. And these roads also lead somewhere else, not only to the goal that is announced to us. From the fight against violence, only and mainly one aspect is brought to the fore – violence against women, and sometimes domestic violence is only mentioned. In essence, public opinion is being distorted.

It starts with the suggestion that whoever is against the convention is for violence against women and children. An insane thesis, defended in our country by a number of feminists, even by a person who should be tolerant of different opinions – the national ombudsman. Too arbitrarily, she claims that in Bulgaria every fourth woman is a victim of domestic violence, i.e. there are 1 million rapists. Where did you get these thugs? Perhaps the National Ombudsman has a complete directory of names of “male abusers”! Violence is an illegal act and it is registered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, not by fictional sociological TV polls with usually 800-1000 pre-selected women. Aren’t these millions of figures your own hypothetical conclusions?

Supporters of the Istanbul Convention, in their quest to manipulate society, focus on the ultimate action, on the consequence, and only on one aspect of it – on physical violence, and only on women. It is forgotten that every effect has its own cause or causes. It is forgotten that violence is a very complex and multifaceted action involving at least two parties – the abuser and the abused. Violence is not only the application of physical force to someone and the infliction of physical and moral harm. Violence is also pressure, coercion, coercion, injustice, harassment, etc. “To do violence means to do what the one who is being abused does not want” (L.N. Tolstoy). In this sense, racketeering (ie forcing to do something that is in the interest of another person) is also a form of violence. It is usually accompanied by a threat of certain adverse actions or inactions.

In family relationships, violence by men is usually associated with the use of physical force, and by women with the use of family racketeering and family harassment. But violence is inherent not only in the family, as emphasized by the Istanbul Convention, but also everywhere. It is a concept of actions, usually aggressive and limiting the rights and personal integrity of everyone in a democratic society, not only and not so much women. There are also many female abusers in society, not just the fictional 1 million “male abusers”. How many mothers beat their children? And the case in one of the hospitals with the beaten diaper? And the case of the beating in Gabrovo boarding school? Are men to blame again?

In the convention, emphasis is placed on the result, ie. violence, but the causes and their overcoming are not considered or sought in the so-called gender treatment of social gender. And if the forms of violence in the convention are considered as physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence, then the causes are primarily economic and to a lesser extent psychological and sexual. Domestic violence has reasons. No one enters into a civil marriage to beat or abuse the other. So something in the relations in the family, in the household has changed and has caused a deep conflict, as a result of which the manifestations of violence appear, regardless of which side. Except for the mentally ill, there are no people who beat other people for pleasure. And the place of the mentally ill is in insane asylums, not in the home and not as the main focus of domestic violence. Usually, physical violence is a consequence of psychological, economic and sexual misunderstanding and/or a conflict situation. All too often, economic and psychological causes are intertwined and lead not only to psychological and economic, but also to physical violence. The main reason for family conflicts and domestic violence in modern Bulgaria are economic and primarily poverty, in the economic impasse of the vast majority of families. In the conditions where there is unemployment and the “working poor”, excessive exploitation of the labor of the “working poor”, excessively extended daily and weekly working hours of one or both members of the household, conflicts inevitably arise not only in the distribution of money, but and in the distribution of care for the family, for children and parents. And here, no gender understandings of social roles, gender education of adolescent children will bring any benefit to overcoming domestic violence.

Domestic violence is inherent in the human race. It exists from the time of the formation of the first family relations until today. And it will never be eradicated, because everyone has their own understanding of good and evil, useful and useless for the family and in the family, for the distribution of family funds. The main thing is to reduce the scale of domestic violence and especially its extreme forms. The introduction of social sex and gender education to minor children will only destroy the foundations of the family and lead to the degradation of society.

From a political point of view, the Istanbul Convention is a cover for the strategy of the neoliberals to direct attention only and almost exclusively to the individual and his rights, without dependence on the public interest, the needs for the development of society, the dominant civilizational traditions and relations. But in the case of this convention, it is about changing the civilizational code of European society. This is clearly evident from Article 12 of the convention on “changes in the social and cultural patterns of behavior of men and women with the aim of eradicating prejudices, customs and traditions and any other practices based on the idea of ​​inferiority of women or on stereotypical roles of women and men.” And let’s take the stereotypical roles. One of them is that men are the best surgeons and especially in cardiovascular, neurosurgery, orthopedics, abdominal and other surgeons. At the same time, women have the stereotypical role of nurses who, together with surgeons, save human lives, including women. And what if the stereotypical roles were reversed – women were surgeons and men were nurses. How many of the gender activists, when needing an operation, will choose a female surgeon and how many will choose a male surgeon? The entire European society is threatened in a civilizational aspect. And primarily because this convention was not signed by the North American countries (USA, Canada, Mexico), Japan, Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan. Could it be that fools live in these countries, and that we, in Europe and the EU, are the greatest smart people? And did it happen that countries like Hungary, Greece, Ireland, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Latvia, Lithuania, etc. signed the declaration? they are in no hurry to ratify it. It is no accident that Turkey signed the Istanbul Convention. And this is not only from domestic ambition and hospitality. The main hidden political goal is the erosion of European Christian values ​​and traditions and, on this basis, the future Islamization of Europe.

The threat of the consequences of the Istanbul Convention was most strongly felt by the leaders of the churches, who in Bulgaria sharply distinguished themselves from this inhumane act of re-transformation of European Christian values. Even the Muslim religion declared itself to support these values. Only the Jewish denomination declared itself in support of the convention. Is it a coincidence that the Vatican did not sign and accede to the Istanbul Convention?

In Bulgaria, there are two types of political relations to the Istanbul Convention. The first type is on the center-right parties, supporters of “European unity” such as GERB, DPS and Volya. It is clear to them that they are only listening to what the leaders from Brussels and Frau Merkel are saying, what most European countries are doing. By reading this, they want to tell us that we are Europeans, and you, who do not support the convention, are backward. They were supported by all homosexual and lesbian organizations, the notorious anti-Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, etc. foreign-funded NGOs. This is the group that got us into this societal collision. Its representative, then Minister of Justice, signed the convention without a supporting decision of the Council of Ministers, without any real public consultation and consultation. And now there is a certain Gemma Grozdanova from the position “the document was signed by our minister (Zaharieva – B.M.) a year and 8 months ago and it is high time for it to be ratified”. If this is a substantive political argument, say hello! Our man has committed an act that affects the whole society, but has neglected this society itself, he must be supported because he is “our dog”!

The second group are the opponents of the Istanbul concept, including parties from the entire political spectrum. What they have in common is the preservation of the Christian essence, traditions and culture. The leftists of the BSP, the united patriots and the conservative right joined it. These parties are supported and in solidarity with numerous non-governmental organizations. The vast majority of the medical profession and teachers are against the ratification of the Istanbul Convention.

Both groups, divided by the position of ratifying the Istanbul Convention, however, do not see, or at least do not show that they see the real reasons for domestic violence and mainly the main one – the great poverty, the economic difficulties of most families, the low education of the children in the Roma community. Neither the right, nor the patriots, nor the left propose an end to the practice of children giving birth to children in silence and poverty. Just because violence will be criminalized does not mean that it will stop or even that it will be significantly reduced. The legal costs of the families will only be dragged down. In terms of legislation, Bulgaria has been ahead of many other European countries for a long time. The problems are in poverty and in the non-functioning of state bodies.

For now, the idea of ​​the Istanbul Gender Convention achieves its main goal – diverting public attention from growing poverty in European countries, from growing inequality and injustice in European societies, diverting poor men and women from the struggle for social rights, for higher incomes, for greater justice.

#Istanbul #Convention #buried #European #identity

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