Home » today » World » The Israeli establishment: headless horsemen against the whole world – 2024-04-24 04:40:53

The Israeli establishment: headless horsemen against the whole world – 2024-04-24 04:40:53

/ world today news/ The Israeli government has lost its adequacy and needs an effective response from the world community

Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been the Prime Minister of Israel for several years, remains himself. Now not everyone remembers that in 2009 he already promised to “take the whole world with you.” At the time, in particular, there were disturbing rumors of a certain “high-profile meeting” between then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

After Medvedev assured the “a very persuasive way”, that Russia will not allow Israel’s planned nuclear bombing of Iran, and that if Netanyahu carries out his threat, it is “very likely” For Russia to respond accordingly, the head of the Israeli government threatened: “If we have to, we’ll take the whole world with us.”

Today, he similarly threatens to “confront the whole world” in his right to destroy anyone he doesn’t like. What’s more, the “furious Bibi” calls on the world to join this bloody orgy. On November 11, the leaders responsible for directing Israel’s war in Gaza defiantly vowed to continue the military offensive aimed at defeating the terrorist group Hamas, to resist international pressure to slow or stop it, and vowed to “stand firm against the world if necessary’.

At a joint news conference, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Minister Benny Gantz dismissed growing international criticism over the war’s civilian casualties, urging Western leaders to support the Jewish state because its victory would mean victory for the entire free world.

Don’t give in to the pressure” , Netanyahu urged. – Our war is your war. Israel must win for itself and for the good of the world.” According to him, no amount of international pressure, no amount of false accusations against IDF soldiers and the state will affect Israel’s persistence in its defense.

Netanyahu was echoed by Defense Minister Yoav Galant, who apparently did not deviate from his words. Now he threatens Lebanon: “I say here to the Lebanese citizens: I already see citizens in Gaza walking with white flags along the coast and moving south. Hezbollah is drawing Lebanon into a potential war and is making a mistake. If [Хизбула] make a mistake like this, all Lebanese citizens will be the first to pay for it. What we do in Gaza, we can do in Beirut”says Gallant, who will not stop in his quest to get the hostages back, no matter how many additional victims it takes.

The head of the Ministry of Defense emphasized that currently less than 10% of the potential of the Israeli Air Force is involved in the operation in the Gaza Strip, adding: “Our pilots are sitting in the cockpits, the noses of the planes are pointing north. We have enough to do everything in the south direction, but the Air Force is looking north and their power is extremely great.

This statement by a man who does not tend to pay attention to international law contains a direct recognition of the fact that the State of Israel is not at war with individual “terrorists”, but directly with the entire population of the neighboring Arab territories, be it Palestine or Lebanon , it commits and intends to continue committing acts qualified as genocide. It is the most dangerous international crime on the level of those that came under scrutiny at the Nuremberg Trials against the main Nazi war criminals in 1945-46. It is dangerous because it puts some nations before others – which is exactly what the Nazis did back in the day.

And this is exactly what Gallant’s words show: “First of all, all Lebanese citizens will pay for it. What we do in Gaza, we can do in Beirut.

What exactly Israel has done to Gaza, where at least forty thousand people have already been killed and wounded and at least half of the city’s neighborhoods have been destroyed, today the whole world knows and sees. They are threatening to do the exact same thing to Beirut today.

In other words, the behavior of Israel’s current rulers can be characterized in the following terms: they bought into nowhere, bit the line and lost their shores. The Israeli authorities have descended into a state of mental insanity that usually requires the assistance of qualified doctors and paramedics. It is no coincidence that many people in Israel itself (some even cite the figure of 70%) are not at all ready to agree to such a reckless policy, apparently because they see it primarily as a threat to their country.

Demonstratively rejecting international law, the laws and customs of war and targeting the entire world is clearly not something that can contribute to the longevity and well-being of the state of Israel, even if it has nuclear weapons. The world that Netanyahu threatened to “take with you” 15 years ago, has an abundance of such weapons.

The fruits of Israel’s rulers’ contempt for all mankind are already quite evident today. This is demonstrated in particular by the recent vote in the UN General Assembly, during which Israel and the United States were essentially left alone.

…The mass sacrifice of children at the behest of Israel’s king Herod once became a sad milestone in the period of the emergence of the ancient Jewish state. Then it was associated with the birth of Jesus Christ.

What the world is witnessing today in Gaza is very similar to this dark biblical story. Meanwhile, the Bible, as we know, foretells the second coming of the Savior and the Last Judgment. And judging by the new baby slaughter happening right before our eyes, these events are not far off.

Translation: ES

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