The handover of the bridge is being delayed due to the delay in the process of putting it into traffic on the Slovak side – the Ipolydamásd municipality announced regarding the bridge built between Ipolydamásd and Helemba, according to which the official handover of the bridge can probably take place at the end of July – reports
As the municipality says in its announcement: this is a complicated process over which no one from Hungary has any influence. On the Hungarian side, the bridge has all the necessary permits and is ready for handover.
Previously, Iván Farkas, a politician who holds the position of faction leader of the Alliance party in Nyitra County Municipality, told that the construction was completed last December, the road leading to the facility on the Slovakian side was built as a county investment and was completed only in April this year. The reason for this is that unforeseen complications arose during construction, especially regarding the drainage of rainwater. In May, the technical, official handover and acceptance of the construction began, and this approval is still in progress. This occupancy permit may take a long time, as it is a large-scale, expensive investment.
Iván Farkas stated to that the legal transfer process in Hungary has already been completed, so that should no longer be an obstacle to the handover of the bridge.
As reported in the previous article of the Dunakanyar Region, the roundabout was completed last year on the edge of Ipolydamásd, and the public road leading to the Ipoly bridge was also built in connection with it. Crossing the new bridge – built between Szob-Ipolydamásd – tourists can also access Helemba and Felvidék on the EuroVelo 6 international cycle route.
Photo: KesziPress