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The “invisible heroes” of everyday life were celebrated in Dunakeszin – Dunakanyar Region

For many years, it has been a nice tradition to welcome the employees working at Dunakesz in a pleasant ceremony on the occasion of Social Work Day, among whom Eszter Gyetván’s activities were recognized this year with the honorary title of Social Worker of the Year. In his festive speech, Mayor Csaba Dióssi thanked the “invisible heroes” of everyday life for their sacrificial work.

“Social work is extremely important, but it mostly takes place in the background, out of sight of the general public. It is not in the spotlight, like the work of an artist or the success of an athlete, but nevertheless, your performance is also worthy of celebration,” said the mayor.

Ákos Gál Gellért, Mayor Csaba Dióssi, Valeria Szabóné Ónodi, Deputy Mayor Dávid Sipos

– We know how important this work is, which is a defining area of ​​our lives. I think that the measure of every civilization is how it handles the fate of people living in a more difficult situation, said Csaba Dióssi.

Referring to the sensitivity of the topic, the city manager stated that the affected families and individuals try to keep the problem within their own sphere, but even the professionals handle it with understandable discretion, who otherwise do very serious and commendable work.

“I would like the people of Dunakes to know and see that you deal with 1,000 families and 1,400 cases every year. Many people appreciate your work only when they need help. In addition to expressing my gratitude, my goal on this day is to show this often invisible work. The 1,400 cases per year also show how much your dedicated professional activity is needed. Thank you for this, I wish you a lot of strength, patience and empathy for your further work!” – were the appreciative words of Mayor Csaba Dióssi.

This year, the Social Worker of the Year award went to Eszter Gyetván, whose professional performance was praised by Valéria Szabóné Ónodi, director of the DÓHSZK: “With her work, she provides professional support for family helpers, case managers, and external professionals who come into contact with clients. His high degree of commitment to his job is also reflected in the fact that in the past year, in addition to the continuous exchange of specialists, he handled his cases stably and reliably and also took over the cases of departing colleagues. He is an active participant and even initiator of professional discussions and consultations. The case manager performs his tasks with commitment, unbroken enthusiasm and conscientiousness. His personality, positive aura, humor and drive are the engine of our community.”

Eszter Gyetván has been working at Dunakesz since 2019, and her professional attitude is exemplary for her colleagues.

This year Eszter Gyetván received the Social Worker of the Year award

Mayor Csaba Dióssi and Deputy Mayor Dávid Sipos presented the award to Eszter Gyetván, the Social Worker of the Year.

After the presentation of the recognition, Valéria Szabóné Ónodi, the director of the DÓHSZK, congratulated the awardee, while she spoke with professional pride about her colleagues, who perform their activities every day prepared and with great empathy.

Photo: KesziPress

On the occasion of Social Work Day, all employees received a gift from the municipality

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