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The investigation on parking. “Via fines if you give me tickets” – Chronicle

Municipal police (archive photo)
Municipal police (archive photo)

Florence, 14 January 2020 – The embarrassment of Palazzo Vecchio for those illegal car parkers of ‘consolidated reputation’, unpunished or almost for years yet housed in the Popular Hotel. A vulnus that of the stop with cutting at the Cascine, Piazzale Vittorio Veneto. Embarrassment for those employees of Servizi alla strada Spa “handling”, superficial, “specialized” in raising fines for acquaintances and friends.

With damage to the administration and a personal benefit not yet clear. Hired is true by Sas as pay parking controllers. But the Spa is a total public participation of the Municipality. But now with the operation of the Muncipale Police ‘Free Parking-Sas & C.’ the administration has a leap of pride and the awareness of having the right antibodies to heal certain “Italianness”. And more serious crimes. One of the Sas controllers, Vittorio Sergi (arrested) needs 2 tickets to the ‘The Journalists’ concert. And he gets them through Nicola Raimondo (arrested), 49, from Perugia, head of the Parking Control Department of Road Services, his boss. On one condition, however: to give his vote, he and three of his family members, to Jacopo Vicini who wants to run for the municipal council on a list linked to the Democratic Party. (October 2018). Again Raimondo: accepts from Gramigni the promise of 2 tickets for the Geimitaiz concert; in exchange, he assures him of obtaining permits. And that will cancel future fines for him. IS’ corruption for an act contrary to official duties. The figure of Raimondo, the job controller of the traffic auxiliaries, stands out negatively. A note from the municipality states that “it served not only as a cover, but also as an instigator” of the auxiliaries.

Why «coverage? Because the controllers hired on fixed-term contracts suspended work, often for several hours a day, “for whole days, to stay at home, or to go on errands, in shopping malls, or in restaurants”. Prolonged lunch breaks, even three hours beyond the return time. Here the damage to the company is to get paid over the work actually done. Raimondo then and even some vigilantes would have illegally removed or canceled fines made by themselves. ” Some auxiliaries are banned: Francesco Casini, Simone Vaggelli, Mauro Vasca (for 12 months), Olivia Biliotti (6), David Gammino (6) and Claudio Rocco (6). Still Sergi and Beatrice Chiaverini (at home) take photos of parked cars, at certain hours, to get alibis. In the minutes they indicate times when they did not appear to have been on duty. In addition to the line of favors, there is what most directly concerns abusives, the alleged extortion and attempted scams to motorists who parked. Sergi and Chiaverini according to prosecutor Barlucchi and judge Pezzuti have a central role: their contribution to the organization for the exclusive control of Piazzale Vittorio Veneto is considered decisive. To warn the fake colleagues of the arrival of other controllers; do not make fines to those who have paid parking for squatters. Or do them without putting minutes on the windshield.

Giovanni Spano

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