Home » today » Business » The interview on November 17th at 5 p.m. is supported by ALPHAZIRKEL in cooperation with Gesellschaft macht Schule.

The interview on November 17th at 5 p.m. is supported by ALPHAZIRKEL in cooperation with Gesellschaft macht Schule.

To the interview with Verena Pausder (best seller author, start-up entrepreneur & expert for digital education), moderated by Simon Köhl (founder of the learning platform “serlo.org”), on the topic: “Be there or stay behind – which role takes on digital education? ” to follow on 11/17/2020 at 5 p.m., register HERE.

  • In times of Corona, are we finally learning how education can work digitally?
  • What are the advantages of digitization in education?
  • Where do we stand in Germany in an international comparison?
  • How more equity can be achieved through digitization.
  • What answer does digitization have to the special challenges of primary and secondary schools.
  • How we can digitally convey values ​​such as social interaction, self-esteem, respect, tolerance, democracy.

On the subject:

The German education system has been suffering from considerable problems and grievances for years; this has not only been certain since the last Pisa study. The omnipresent corona epidemic focuses on grievances in schools. At the same time, in crisis mode, we experience how digital education is – finally – gaining momentum. There are education summits in the Chancellery and we as civil society are working together to create a sustainable education system. This makes it clear: Germany has no problem of knowledge but an implementation problem.

The pandemic offers a unique, almost historic opportunity to completely rethink education. And to create something sustainable from the tried and tested and the new. From which everyone really benefits. Because if education is our most important raw material, then it should be ensured that nobody falls through the grid and that everyone gets a chance. Our education is the foundation of the country of tomorrow and we need much less for it than we think.

The book “Das Neue Land” offers space for action and ideas with groundbreaking innovations, a new education, disruptive startups, digitization implementations, celebrated equality, the new alignment of balance between work and life, climate protection and equal opportunities for everyone.

Verena Pausder, eldest daughter of Rudolf Delius, who runs the Bielefeld textile company of the same name in the ninth generation, is one of the most famous faces of the start-up scene in this country. She is an expert in digital education, is the founder of Fox & Sheep, the HABA digital workshops and participates in the digital learning platform “Ada”.

Verena Pausder is also an investor, activist and board member. In short: an opinionated woman who gets involved. One of the things that is close to her heart is to give children equal access to digital education. To do this, she founded Digital Education for All eV in 2017.

She was rewarded for this, among other things, by the World Economic Forum, which she named a “Young Global Leader” in 2016. In 2018 it was included in Forbes Europe’s Top 50 Women In Tech list.

She was considered a savior in need during the Corona time by homeschooling-corona.com online and the largest educational hackathon in the country # weforschool initiated what secured her an award as a thought leader in 2020.

She gives everything for the future of education. This is also reflected in your book “The New Land” contrary. Topics such as digitization, education, equality, climate protection and new work are dealt with. With her Spiegel bestseller and the “Entrepreneur’s Book of the Year”, Ms. Pausder not only criticizes the current education system, she also gives ideas and specific solutions on how we can rethink schools.

In addition, Verena Pausder is involved in education in the Innovation Council of Digital State Minister Dorothee Bär and in the college council of CODE University in Berlin.

Society goes to school:

Society goes to school (www.gesellschaft-macht-schule.de) is a non-profit GmbH, recognized carrier of the free youth welfare and above all operationally. With three voluntary partners, nine part-time employees and almost 25 honorary employees, it reaches over 300 children and young people per school year. Strong educational and sponsorship partnerships are the key to their success. She was honored for her work as part of “Germany – Land of Ideas”. In 2015 and 2016, she received the PHINEO seal of approval for the projects for her high-performance organization and effective commitment Team & Sport (2015) and BEO + (2016).

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