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The international vaccine has not recovered to its pre-pandemic level

International travel made by the population of the Vigo health area has significantly increased compared to last year, but has not yet reached the levels that existed before the coronavirus pandemic. This is the conclusion that can be drawn from the international vaccination data managed by the Preventive Medicine service of the Vigo health area, even if it is not the only center that deals with these subjects (including Foreign Health) and it is not required in all. countries immunization. The most common destinations, such as France, Italy or Portugal, do not need any prevention.

Preventive medicine has vaccinated 739 international travelers so far this year, with figures up to 31 August. In addition, 1,154 vaccines were administered and 88 preventions were carried out against malaria (malaria).

The most frequent vaccines that were injected were those against hepatitis A, typhoid fever and yellow fever.

The countries most visited by the population of the Vigo area were those of Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia, followed by African countries, mainly Egypt, followed at a greater distance by Kenya and Tanzania.

International travel takes place all year round, but the highest volume is recorded in July and August.

30% of these trips are made for business purposes and in fact they were trips that were made mainly at certain times of the pandemic. The remaining 70% are vacation trips and also by people carrying out international cooperation tasks in other countries.

In addition to the vaccine, the Preventive Medicine consultancy offers other advice to people who travel. They recommend food and drink related precautions. In addition, it is suggested that you bring insect repellent because there are diseases that are not prevented with pills or vaccines and that are transmitted by mosquito bites, according to preventive expert Susana Alonso.

Vigo was able to vaccinate against fever yellow to travelers

The worldwide shortage of yellow fever vaccines has not yet hit the Vigo area. Preventive Medicine was able to vaccinate travelers who needed them.

As for malaria, the doctor explains that few treatments are given because it involves fine-tuning the risk areas of each trip and therefore side effects are also avoided. He explains that if a traveler goes to the tourist areas of Thailand, he will find no risk of malaria and does not need prevention. “We receive reports from Atlanta Disease Control Centers and the Department of Health to adjust prescriptions to travel risk areas.”

Susana Alonso asks citizens to request an appointment two months before the trip because there are vaccines that must be administered in advance and remember that some vaccines have a fee that they have to pay to be foreign drugs. Patients are treated in Cunqueiro and Meixoeiro.

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