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The International Prize for Human Rights

On this May 17, world day against homophobia and transphobia, Anne Hidalgo will present to the Town Hall, the international prize for the rights of LGBTQI + people. This prize grants each year an honorary distinction, accompanied by a subsidy, to personalities and associations committed to this cause.

Anne Hidalgo is determined to support all those around the world who are committed to defending the fundamental rights of LGBTQI people. These values ​​of tolerance and inclusion are at the heart of the commitment of all elected officials of the City of Paris.

This is why the Mayor of Paris created in 2018 the “Paris Prize for LGBTQI Right”, an international prize of the City of Paris in favor of the rights of LGBTQI people.
This prize rewards personalities and associations who have distinguished themselves by courageous and inspiring actions in favor of equal rights.

The presentation of this distinction is held every May 17, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris.

It has two categories:

The recipients of this award are chosen by a jury made up of a president and ten French and foreign members recognized for their commitment to LGBTQI + communities.

The awards will be presented this year under the chairmanship of Ms. Giovanna Rincon, Director of ACCEPTEES-T, an association that offers a range of activities to help the most vulnerable trans people.

Two special guests of the jury will be present to testify to their journey and announce the winners: Bolu Okupe and Ouissem Belgacem.

Unveiling of a commemorative plaque dedicated to Bruno Lenoir and Jean Diot

A new commemorative plaque visible on rue Montorgueil in the 2e arrondissement pays tribute to Bruno Lenoir and Jean Diot. This plaque recalls a period in history when homosexuality was penalized and criminalized.
It is here that each year, on the occasion of the World Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, the City organizes alongside the homosexual civil association of the duty of memory The “Forgotten ones” of the Memory, a memorial ceremony in honor of all victims of LGBTphobia in France and around the world.

In the context of the health crisis linked to the coronavirus, the City of Paris remains mobilized to prevent and fight against all forms of LGBTphobic violence and continues to develop actions in connection with the institutional and associative actors concerned by:

  • supporting the LGBT Archives Center project led by the LGBTQI + Archives Collective with a wish unanimously adopted by the Paris Council in February 2021 for the City of Paris to identify, in conjunction with the collective, a suitable and sustainable space for within its park by the end of 2021

  • bringing together partners from the LGBTQI Observatory, which led to the launch of working groups between the City and associations on topical issues: visibility of lesbians, reception of trans people, LGBTQI + health, homoparentality

  • tackling the “Chemsex” issue: adoption of a wish by the Paris Council in March 2021 to develop, in conjunction with associations, a Parisian plan for information on “Chemsex” and risk reduction. A first working meeting will take place in May to make the diagnosis in May

  • by carrying a wish of the executive during the Council of Paris of June 2021 in response to the development of “anti-LGBTQI + zones” in Poland, in order to declare the whole of the capital “zone of LGBTQI + freedom.
    This wish will be accompanied by concrete measures to protect and support LGBTQI + audiences in the boroughs and in municipal facilities. It will also propose to support the sexual and reproductive rights of LGBTQI + people, in particular universal and free assisted reproduction for couples of women, as well as the prohibition of conversion therapy in France.

  • In addition to its financial and political support for the international LGBTQI + world, the City of Paris keeps abreast of the situation of these audiences around the world.

    In this perspective, the 7e and 4e committees of the Council of Paris, chaired by Geneviève Garrigos and Gauthier Caron-Thibault, will hear on May 18, 2021 experts and witnesses on the situation of LGBTQI + people in Brazil and Cameroon, two countries where the situation of LGBTQI + people has greatly increased. degraded.

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