Home » today » Business » The international contract is not Zlatanov’s notebook to be lost – 2024-09-19 12:48:13

The international contract is not Zlatanov’s notebook to be lost – 2024-09-19 12:48:13

/ world today news/ Similar statements like that of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in the National Assembly that he cannot open the South Stream contract are frivolous and frivolous.

They will not improve the image of Bulgaria as a serious partner in any international projects and deals. Such frivolous behavior as if this international treaty is similar to Philip Zlatanov’s notebooks, which disappeared and are still being sought, makes light of any kind of commitments that our country undertakes. A bad day for the Bulgarian economy and the future of Bulgaria. Another unpleasant episode in the years of the ongoing Bulgarian transition to nothingness.

The conversation about what we want to achieve, whether it’s the big energy projects or other important things, never happened. So anyone you ask will tell you they don’t know what we want as a society and a people. There are politicians who know what they want for themselves. There are party groups who know what they want for their party group.

The only meaningful conversation in the transition years was deliberately suppressed, namely – what vision do we want for the future of Bulgaria. And then the conversation had to happen about what was the best algorithm and path to realize that vision using collective effort and common sense.

Once again, we Bulgarians confirm a well-known maxim that he who does not know where he is going will most likely end up in the ditch. A sad finding. It is she who generates the high level of social pessimism in Bulgaria.


Zhivko Georgiev, sociologist.

#international #contract #Zlatanovs #notebook #lost

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