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The international community should reconsider the designation of Al Houthi as a terrorist group

The Saudi representative to the United Nations stressed that the international community should reconsider the designation of Al Houthi as a terrorist group.

The Ambassador, Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad Al-Wasel, also indicated, today, Thursday, that: The Houthi militia obstructed the truce The siege of Yemeni cities continues.

In turn, the UAE representative to the United Nations praised the role of Saudi Arabia in Yemen and the role of the Presidential Council in extending the armistice.

“It has become clear to the Security Council that the Houthis do not care about the suffering of the Yemenis,” he said.

great risks

These statements came after UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, announced on Thursday his regret for not renewing the armistice in the country, indicating that this would involve great risks.

In a speech before the Security Council, he called for a continuous ceasefire and the release of the detainees.

Earlier today, the UN Security Council held its monthly meeting on Yemen, to discuss the latest developments in the country’s political, military and humanitarian situation, in particular the UN truce that Grundberg seeks to extend to 6 months instead of two months despite the difficulties and the obstruction of the Houthi militia.

This came after international efforts failed to extend the previous UN armistice, which expired on 2 October.

United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg (Reuters)

previous extension

On August 2, the United Nations announced that the Yemeni parties had agreed to extend the armistice for another two months, under the same conditions, from August 2 to October 2, 2022.

This extension came after a previous UN armistice that went into effect last April (2022) on all fighting fronts in Yemen for a period of two months.The governorates to improve the freedom of movement of people within Yemen and to facilitate the entry of 18 ships carrying fuel to the ports of Hodeidah in western Yemen within two months, as well as allowing two weekly flights to and from Sanaa International Airport.

However, last week, the Houthi militia thwarted the extension of that truce for the third time by imposing unacceptable conditions.

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