Home » today » World » The “internal-party coup” took place on November 9, not 10 – 2024-08-12 07:47:54

The “internal-party coup” took place on November 9, not 10 – 2024-08-12 07:47:54

/View.info/ Dear colleagues and friends, I take advantage of your favor to announce a fact that is not exactly a secret, but unknown to the wider community.

It is about the so-called “internal-party coup”, which took place on November 10, 1989.
The truth is that the coup took place a day earlier, namely on November 9.

Then we realized it was caused by external forces.
But what (according to my ancient but indelible memories) could I share.

1. And this is exceptional, I will repeat – extremely important to know: The plenum of the Central Committee of the BKP was announced in advance and its main topic was how to overcome the emigration crisis with the Bulgarian Turks, to the extent and because M. Gorbachev insisted that it be ” neutralized”; In this context, a special report was prepared on behalf of Todor Zhivkov. I am not privy to the authors of this report, which proclaimed an extremely liberal policy towards Bulgarian Turks and Bulgarian Muslims. I will modestly add that I brought in some even more liberal views which were adopted in the final version.

2. On November 9, (1989), when at 7 p.m. I was supposed to “revise”, i.e. to give “carte blanche” for the report to be distributed to the upcoming plenum of the Central Committee of the BKP, it turned out that all the copies were “seized” by the Records Department”.

3. Literally about an hour – two before that Assoc. Cr. Oprov (economist) pulled me into a corridor and said: “Kertikov, look: three nurses are washing the windows of the First. This means that tomorrow we will have a new First..”

I would not like to comment on the following conversations and predictions, since hardly anyone will be convinced of their credibility.

However, I am convinced (this is only my personal opinion) that the so-called “internal-party coup” took place on November 9, and on the following date it was (through a plenum of the Central Committee of the BKP) simply legitimized.

I have the strange assumption that the intra-party and state coup was pre-agreed with Todor Zhivkov himself.
It was no accident that he was released with outstanding honors. It’s just that external (mainly Gorbachevist) pressure changed the course of events. (This is, of course, only a hypothesis).

I have no feelings towards T. Zhivkov. Just sharing some of my memories.


#internalparty #coup #place #November

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