Home » today » World » The institutional upgrading of the role of Local Self-Government – 2024-08-01 14:26:25

The institutional upgrading of the role of Local Self-Government – 2024-08-01 14:26:25

The institutional upgrading of the role of the Local Government is the dominant demand, something that the administration of the KEDE and individually the elected officials are demanding.

A dominant element in this upgrade is the strengthening of the statutory position of elected officials, since it has been said several times by many local government officials that soon no citizen will want to deal with local government from a position of responsibility as no one can bear to walk barefoot on thorns. KEDE is trying in every way to change this. Both the administration and the institutions and transparency committee, as TA NEA and Cityhub reveal today, have the following specific requests:

  • Codification and definitive resolution of all the problems of the statutory position of elected officials (salary regime, special permits for the exercise of their responsibilities, protection against service changes for political reasons, insurance, pensions and sponsorships).
  • Immediate reinstatement of the sponsorship of new electors abolished by law 4093/2012.
  • Revision of the current provisions on obstacles and incompatibilities on the basis of equality for all elected officials of Local Government and Parliament in conjunction with the clarification of the special permit of elected officials, which will apply to all regardless of profession.
  • Repeal of the provision of Article 20 of Law 4387/2016 regarding the reduction to 100% of the pension of elected pensioners for as long as they retain the status of elected.
  • Reinstatement of the provision for the recognition of Mayors, who are civil servants, of the years of service in the T.A. as seniority for their professional development.
  • Non-subordination of Mayors to the provisions of article 4 of Law 4387/2016
  • Repeal of element b of par.1 of article 6 of Law 4387/2016 where it is stated that “in cases where he has a pension decision in accordance with the applicable provisions that were in force until 31/12/2014 but the pension/sponsorship was not paid as he did not the applicable minimum age limit has been reached, the pensions are redefined ex officio based on the provisions of article 6 of Law 4387/2016.”

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