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The insidious disease of Vita Maria began as the flu: urging others not to repeat her mistake

“Before I went home from the hospital, I asked the doctors if the residual symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis that had occurred at that time would ever pass. I have received a clear and unequivocal answer: the consequences of the disease will require living for the rest of one’s life, and over time and depending on their emotional and physical condition, they will only get worse. It is true that if I feel good, I am not in a hurry, I have enough sleep – the residual phenomena are weaker, but when some irritation, such as stress, anxiety, fear, their intensity increases significantly and reminds me to calm down, “VM Murėnaitė tells the press. .

The developer adds that she has never had a problem with her physical health and mental functions before, and for several years, tick-borne encephalitis has occasionally shaken her arms, caused half-body numbness, impaired memory, concentration and coordination. In addition, a formerly emotionally strong woman now suffers from increased sensitivity and increased emotional amplitude.

The first symptoms were reminiscent of the flu

VM Murėnaitė says that everything started a few years ago, in August. She was sitting near the house in the woods on the moss and noticed that she had been sucked into the buttocks area mite. The woman asked a friend to pull her out, which was perfectly normal, as the arachnids in the area were plentiful and the sucking mite did not frighten her. But everything changed after a few days, when the health suddenly deteriorated and the symptoms resembled the flu: the woman began to feel tired, had a headache, broken bones and had a fever.


“I spent a week in bed and I was treated for the flu at the time, and when I finally had to get back to work, I realized my health hadn’t improved: I had a headache and felt completely helpless. I decided to see a doctor and have blood tests, and then it turned out that there were no leukocytes in the blood – cells that fight infections. Due to extremely poor research results, I was hospitalized, ”says the creator of the running Vita blog.

After improvement – the second period of the disease

The woman did not receive an accurate diagnosis for some time – doctors had diagnosed the “summer” flu, which usually ruptures in August, and prescribed treatment, after which VM Murėnaitė felt better. Before leaving the hospital, the patient was advised to have a preventive test for tick-borne encephalitis.

“I did a test for tick-borne encephalitis and after the weekend I found out that the result was positive. I was asked to come to the Infectious Diseases Hospital as soon as possible. Although I felt good when I did the research, after a while I realized that the first period of the disease had passed and a ‘period of supposed recovery’ had been reached. After him passed and I was already in the hospital, the second stage began, ”says VM Murėnaitė.

In the hospital, the woman was given an intravenous drip 2-3 times a day, had no appetite at all, lost a lot of weight and felt completely exhausted. In addition, new ailments appeared that did not occur during the first period of tick-borne encephalitis: VM Murėnaitė began to melt half of her body, as a result of which she fell off the stairs. The woman could not read either, as the letters “intertwined” and the words “jumped”. It seemed that all the abilities were gradually disappearing, so there was constant stress.

Calls for health risks and vaccinations

VM Murėnaitė spent the whole month in the hospital, during which the doctors “put her on her feet”, and then the next stage – rehabilitation – began. The woman says it was very difficult psychologically. With no strength at all, she exercised with weights, performed a variety of exercises, attended swimming, procedures, etc. Finally, with the help of professionals and later individual efforts, she was able to gain weight, strengthen weak muscles and recover. A few years after the fateful infestation of the tick, the creator of Running Vita tries to remind himself every day that he has to take care of himself in order to make the residual phenomena that have become an integral part of his life as weak as possible.

Vaccination at Camelia Pharmacy

Vaccination at Camelia Pharmacy

© „Camelia“

“Relatives and friends who visited me at the hospital admitted many times that if they were affected by the disease I would be able to walk, read and regain all my lost abilities, but I managed to get back to life. Having experienced such a difficult lesson and being able to recover from it, I now feel obliged to urge everyone to hesitate: do not risk your health. I am glad that my story has taught my relatives and friends – they have all been vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, so I very much hope that more people will learn from my mistake, ”adds VM Murėnaitė.

Vaccinations provide 99 percent. immune protection

In response to VM Murėnaitė’s story, Camelia is an advanced pharmacist Ieva Sauserytė says that in fact 15-20% those infected with tick-borne encephalitis experience a second period of the disease and the residual effects of the disease caused by it. The most severe of these include paralysis, paresis, muscle atrophy, convulsions, and mental, movement, balance, and coordination disorders. The only way to prevent these and milder possible effects and to prevent tick-borne encephalitis is to get vaccinated, especially at the beginning of the tick season.

Ieva Saserytė

Ieva Saserytė

© „Camelia“

“In Lithuania, the season of tick activity begins in March-April, and its peak is observed in June-October. During this period, the majority of people with tick-borne encephalitis are recorded. Almost all cases of the disease could be prevented if people were vaccinated, as the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine provides 99%. immune protection ”, explains I. Sauserytė, a pharmacist with advanced practice.

The pharmacist adds that at present, in some pharmacies in the network, adults can get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis with both a regular and an accelerated regimen. According to the usual vaccination schedule, 1 to 3 months The third dose is given over a period of 5 to 12 months and the third 5 to 12 months later. after the second injection. In the case of an accelerated vaccination schedule, the second dose of the vaccine is given two weeks after the first dose, and two weeks after the second dose, adequate immune protection against tick-borne encephalitis is established. This means that if you are vaccinated in the coming days, you can have immunity as early as the end of April – before the peak of tick activity, when the risk of infection is highest. An advanced practice pharmacist will advise you on the right scheme for you at the pharmacy. Immunity acquired after vaccination is maintained for 3-5 years, after which revaccination is required.

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